We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Chair’s report May 2023

Chair’s report May 2023

This report provides an update on progress on our priority areas since our last meeting on 12th April 2023, and on other relevant areas. It covers only those of our priorities about which the Chair has new information and which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda: updates on our other priorities are most welcome at the meeting. 

Vacancy on Community Council

As advised at our previous meeting, due to the resignation of Rose McQuarrie, we now have a vacancy. As agreed, I have spoken to Glasgow City Council about the next steps. Given that we have two regular attendees who have indicated interest in joining the council, they advise that we consider expanding our membership to accommodate this. Currently, we are constituted with twelve members and have eleven elected members. GCC advise we consider expanding to fourteen members, to fill our vacancy and allow the addition of two additional members. I would like to seek approval from the community co uncle to expand Cathcart and District Community Council to a membership of fourteen. 

Priority 6: Engage with community

Our new suggestions box, designed and built by Tommy Petillo, is now installed in the Couper Library and will be checked regularly by Tommy and Kate Lonergan. Please do encourage anyone who is not on social media to suggest items that the community council might pick up. 

Priority 11: Improved play area: Linn Park

We have now shared the proposed designs for the new play equipment on our social media pages and have shared the feedback received with Friends of LInn Park, who have been asked by Glasgow City Council for input. As a reminder, the plans, shared at our last meeting, can be found here. https://www.kompan.com/en/gb/p/nro865.  

Priority 15: Improved play area: Merrylee Park

An opportunity exists to apply for funding to upgrade this area, as there are no council plans to do so. Govanhill Housing Association is in principle happy to support this. However we have held off as we understand there have been discussions at council level about this: we hope to receive an update from councillors regarding this in May.

Upcoming Council and related events

Two of the online workshops for community councillors mentioned at the previous meeting are still due to take place: details are below. All community councillors are welcome to book themselves on these workshops. 

WorkshopDateSign-up link
Cars (rural & islands)Weds 17th Mayhttps://forms.office.com/e/RcPPxX0ikk
Cars (urban)Weds 31st Mayhttps://forms.office.com/e/iRE52DyDxR

There will also be a Community Council Development Session, hosted by Glasgow City Council, on the morning of Saturday 20th May. This will include input from Al-Anon and Community Justice Glasgow. Please contact Steven Dowling if interested: steven.dowling@glasgow.gov.uk or 07912 408 082. 

There will be a meeting held by the Glasgow City Council’s Neighbourhood Design Team on Friday 12th May from 2-3.30pm at The Lighthouse in Mitchell Lane, to help design a new model for decision-making in neighbourhoods. Community councillors should email Helen.Hunter2@glasgow.gov.uk.

There will also be a seminar on planning Changing Places facilities, which are highly accessible toilets for people with disabilities. This will take place online at 11am on Thursday 15th June: email louise@riseadapt.co.uk to attend. 

Carolyn Lochhead, Chair

May 2023

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.