We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 14/06/ 2023

Community Council elections, green verges upkeep, our first birthday party and more.




Attendees in person Community Councillors:  Carolyn Lochead (chair), Louisa Maddison, Kim Van Deere, Steven McCann, Irene McCann, Kate Lonergan, Andrew Dewar, Kenny Boyle.

Others: Cllr Stephen Curran, Cllr Catherine Vallis, M McMillan, M Crawford, Ross Taylor, Yla Barrie, Beth Hamilton, Tommy Petillo.

Attended remotely Cllr Leodhas Massie

1 Welcome and introductions Carolyn Lochhead

2 Apologies: Mhairi Taylor, Lynn Thomson, Jen Bell, Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr John Carson

Approval of the Minutes, proposed by Irene McCann and seconded by Louisa Maddison.

There were noted to be no actions from the previous that were outwith the scope of the Chair’s Report.

3 Chair’s Report on priorities: Carolyn Lochhead

The Chair presented her report, which had been previously circulated.

Regarding the spaces on the C&DCC, CL noted that the Community Council would be expanded to 14 members, with 3 spaces currently available. The form to apply and application closure date was noted to be on the C&DCC website.

On trains (Cathcart loop service frequency and station availability at Cathcart), it was noted that Scotrail had acknowledged the shortcomings in the existing level ofservice. Scotrail had advised that this represented a post-pandemic ‘staging post’ on the route to full recovery.  On the station accessibility issue, it was noted that funding including Access for All was potentially available, should it be possible to make the case for Cathcart Station. It was noted that during the 2019-24 tranche of funding allocation, Queens Park and Anniesland had been successful. Sustrans Pocket Places funding scheme was suggested as an alternative source of funding for alternative station access at Cathcart.



Re: grass verges, it was noted that GCC notes no responsibility for verges on Merrylee Rd and Rhannon Road.

ACTION: C&DCC undertook to complete land searches to find out who these are owned by: LT will take forward.  If ongoing maintenance (i.e. cutting) was deemed problematic, it was suggested that these could be converted to wildlife planting which doesn’t need as much active maintenance. ACTION: Cllr Catherine Vallis was made aware of a collapsed stank at Rhannon Rd by Stephen Boyle this was to be addressed.

ACTION: all to continue to report similar road condition issues with the built environment on the GCC app.

Re: the Community Events (CD&DCC birthday party on 19th August), a short update was given on behalf of the planning sub group. It was noted that the price of band might depend on number of band members in attendance. At our April meeting, the Community Council approved an initial budget of £400, of which £215 has so far been committed. We have been offered the option of a petting zoo, which would cost £250 (taking us £65 over our initial budget) and feature rabbits, guinea pigs, ducks, hens, rats and mice. There is a separate agreed budget of £400 for the Brass, Aye band. The sub group noted that it welcomed further input from others.

ACTION: Community Council AGREED to  pay £250 for a petting zoo.

ACTION: Irene McCann to enquire whether her neighbours band would perform as an alternative/in addition to Brass Eye.

Street Play was noted to be running again 22-25 September 2023 and CL encouraged others to run these in their local streets.

On school car-free zones, Baillie McCabe was noted to have arranged a Fire and Rescue visit to the car free zone at St Fillans and it was suggested this action could be repeated at Merrylee School. CL asked the group what other actions could be usefully taken, and the use of bollard covers was discussed. The police were noted to have been in attendance at Glasserton Rd car free zone this morning. In the new school year it was suggested that there was scope for more discussion on non-confrontational reporting of same. More permanent traffic calming measures including speed bumps were suggested. The Merrylee Road Safety Action group has not yet met, and it was noted that schools involvement would best be carried forward to August.

ACTION: CL to talk to Parent Council to raise awareness of the car free zone and, reminding police of the issue at the school.

ACTION: ALL encouraged to report cars in the car-free zone to Police Scotland either by dialling 101 or using the online form https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/contact/

4 Police report

Police did not attend on this occasion but receive agendas and minutes of all meetings.

5 Community defibrillator funding project.

It was noted that there was no 24-hour community accessible defibrillator in the area. £500 funding from St Johns to cover housing the defibrillator unit had already been awarded, with a further £1k to be raised between Merrylee and OLA.

Action: LM to approach Cala Homes for a funding donation

C&DCC AGREED  to make a £150 donation and promote the school’s fundraising activities on social media.

6 Planning Report

Louisa Maddison presented her planning report, the highlights of which are below.

134 Merrylee Road (white elephant) – refused

21/00046/LOCAL | Erection of dwellinghouse with associated works. | Site In Land Between 6 Brunton Terrace/38 Brunton Street Glasgow, Section 75 money associated with the development will be used locally, now raised with the planner with a view to C&DCC potentially making suggestions as to the use of the funds.

23/00628/FUL | Use of site as car valeting & detailing facility with class 3 cafe, ancillary office, parking and 4no EV charge points. | Site At Muirend Avenue/ Clarkston Road Glasgow – pending consideration.

“Cathcart & District Housing Association has submitted a planning application to build a single block of 12 flats in Craig Road, Glasgow.” No application online yet (Scottish Housing News, 31 March 23)

Pre-application notification for a mobile phone mast in the grassy area behind the Couper – there was some comment on this from the wider community and I have sent comments back to the developer. Expect planning application to follow at some point.  

23/01066/FUL CALA Celeros https://publicaccess.glasgow.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=dates&keyVal=RU2P00EXFZD00 23/01066/FUL

The application is now online for the new housing development at Newlands Rd (former college / part of Celeros) LM undertook to screen the 133 documents to understand the most relevant ones.  

Action: All to submit any comments to LM at the C&DCC email by 5 July who will prepare a response.

Action: LM To work on contend for social media posts and emails out to the mailing list etc.  

7 Area Planning Partnership

There had been no meeting since we last met.

8 Licensing Report – Steven McCann

Nothing to report

9 Treasurer’s Report – Lynn Thomson (Louisa Maddison gave in LT’s absence)

LT noted very limited spending on hall hire and designing posters. Closing balance was £3650.95 less this meeting’s agreed spend.

10 Summary of Councillors’ Updates

No reports had been submitted, but Cllr Vallis noted that the joint surgery held at Couper Institute had not had any attendees, but that future events at the venue would be better advertised and hopefully attract greater numbers.

Action: Cllr Vallis noted National Lottery Awards could be applicable for the defibrillator appeal and undertook to share information with Yla Barrie.

The weekend re-opening of Castlemilk Pool was noted to be difficult to achieve with the advent of single shift rotas to save GCC money. Cllr Vallis restated her commitment to weekend reopening of the pool and training pools.


A selection of suggestions from the suggestion box in the library were read out including: a complaint about vehicles parking on zigzags

Action: CL to raise this with the police

Re: the centenary of the Couper, there was a suggestion that local historian Jean McDonald (volunteer at Holmwood House) could be involved. 

Action: Kate Lonergan to continue to feedback to the library when the suggestions are clearly for them, but to continue to share these with C&DCC on the basis that they are indicative of the community’s needs and interests.

Action: Tommy Petillo todigitise comments from the suggestions box and hold on Googledrive.

Action: Tommy Petillo to post ‘You said, we did’, blog to be published every two meetings on what’s being discussed and actioned at the meetings.

Action: KVD to add Suggestions Box Items to the C&DCC meeting agenda.

Action: Tommy Petilllo to get guidance from West Kilbride contact on micro talks with a view to starting these at the library to boost footfall. (Subgroup formed of the following: Tommy Petillo, Yla Barrie, Beth Hamilton, Steven McCann, Kate Lonergan, Kenny Boyle).

Re: flashings speed limit lights, Jim Kane of GCC was noted to be looking to upgrade and repair and Cllr Stephen Curran noted the potential to try to press our agenda due to the immediacy of our need.

Re: the land behind the bus stop Clarkston Road, Irene McCann noted her interest in making a community garden –

Action: all those interested should indicate this to Irene McCann. Funding sources were discussed, including Let’s Grow Together Fund (£500-5000 for food production) and Stalled Spaces – more for pop up sites, but more flexible as doesn’t have to be productive (food) growing.

Action: Carry out land searches to establish ownership of green strips around this site,

Action: LM to ask GCC for information on all GCC-owned green spaces in the C&DCC area. It was suggested that schools and the fun lodge may be interested in green spaces development. Cllr Stephen Curran noted that Scotmid has funding to develop community orchards.

Yla Barrie asked about Merrylee pitch which needs re-laid, as it is currently dangerous to children (trip hazard) due to aging material shedding,

Action: Cllr Stephen Curran undertook to engage with Cllr Sean Ferguson on this, on the basis that the pitch has 10 year shelf life and is currently 13 years old. The Parent Council will be asked to attend the walk round when this takes place

Beth Hamilton asked about the availability of grant funding for privately owned back greens impacted by subsidence. Cllr Stephen Curran advised that there may be funding available depending on circumstance and health and safety considerations.

Date of the next meeting Wednesday 13th September 2023 7PM


1. Reopen Linn Park at Snuff MillCarolyn10.Delvin/Clarkston road junction 
2. Restore Cathcart Loop to 4 trains an hourCarolyn11.Improved play area: Linn Park 
3. Keep Couper library open 12. Community plantingKim
4. Street cleaning/maintenance 13. Cycling infrastructure/parking 
5. Community eventsCarolyn14. Restore lamps on Cathcart bridgeLynn
6. Engage with community 15. Play equipment: Merrylee Park 
7. Improved street lighting 16. Christmas TreeMhairi
8. Enforce school car-free zone 17. Tree lights in Holmlea Park 
9. Improved opening hours: Castlemilk pool 18. Welcome to Cathcart signCarolyn

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.