This report provides an update on progress on those of our priority areas which have developed since our last meeting in April 2024, and on other relevant areas.
Priority 1 – Reopen Linn Park at Snuff Mill
The minutes of the last Friends of Linn Park meeting indicate that the recent funding application has been successful and the work can therefore proceed, which is wonderful news. I have contacted Friends of Linn Park to find out more.
Priority 2 – Restore Cathcart Circle service to four trains an hour
As previously reported, this objective has already been achieved at peak times. However we have been pleased to note a further improvement, with evening services increasing from hourly to half hourly from 2 June.
Priority 3 – Keep Couper Library Open
As reported at the last meeting, Alana Ward, Head of Libraries and Communities at Glasgow Life, has agreed to attend this meeting to discuss this. We have asked if we can be given details of the funding situation in advance of this meeting, with no response.
Priority 5 – Community Events
See separate agenda item on the Cathcart Festival.
Priority 8 – Enforce school car-free zone
This continues to be a problem, with many drivers apparently unaware of the car-free zone and drop-off and pick-up times. I have contacted the Parent Councils at both schools to propose a week of activism on this in the first week back after summer.
Priority 18 – Welcome to Cathcart Sign
Following the decision at the last meeting to award the contract for our mural to Ellie Mills and Lindsay Grime, I have been in touch with the artists and am in the process of applying to Scotrail for both funding and formal permission to create the mural.
Other – Merrylee Primary Pitch
On 6 March we wrote jointly with Merrylee Primary PC to Glasgow City Council’s Director of Education, urgently requesting action to replace the pitch and flagging up the Infrastructure Fund as a potential route. We received a response on 26 March stating that a meeting would be set up as soon as possible. We have heard nothing since, despite both myself and Cllr Ferguson chasing up. I will chase again, but suggest we consider more direct action, since the Council shows no sign of considering the unsafe pitch an urgent matter.
Other – Election to Community Council
As agreed at the previous meeting, applications are now invited to fill the vacancy on the Community Council. Posters have been placed in the library and in Sainsbury’s, and regular social media posts are being made encouraging people to stand. Forms can be downloaded from and the deadline is Friday 24th May.
Upcoming Council and related events and funding opportunities
From time to time, Glasgow City Council advises us of meetings, consultations and funding opportunities. A selection of these is noted below for any interest and follow-up.
Item | Date/deadline | Detail |
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Consultation | 13 May | Survey on options to deliver future bus network |
Scottish Community Development Centre conference | 15th May 9.30-3.30 online | Event to discuss improving Participation Requests. Register here |
Community Council Development Session | 18th May 9am-2pm City Chambers | Contact |
Stakeholder event on City Network Inner North and South design | 21st May 3-8pm drop-in | Pollokshields Burgh Hall. Contact GCCIN& |
Scottish Fire and Rescue service | 10am-12pm 28/5/25 Maryhill Fire Station 29/5/24 Calton Fire Station 30/5/24Govan Fire Station | Shaping the future fire service. Contact |
Carolyn Lochhead, Chair, May 24