We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 10/05/2023





Attendees in person: Community Councillors: Carolyn Lochhead (chair), Mhairi Taylor, Kim Van Deere, Irene McCann, Stephen McCann, Kate Lonergan, Jen Bell, Kenny Boyle, Lynn Thomson

Others: Cllr Catherine Vallis, Cllr Stephen Curran, Cllr John Carson, M McMillan, Kevin McGarrigle, Derek Watson, Annamarie Sands, Baillie Paul McCabe, Margaret Crawford

Attended remotely: Cllr Leodhas Massie

1 Welcome and introductions Carolyn Lochhead

2 Apologies: Tommy Petillo, Louisa Maddison, Andrew Dewar, PC Sammy Garcia.

Approval of the Minutes, proposed by Mhairi Taylor and seconded by Irene McCann. All actions from previous meeting were deemed complete including reporting of fly tipping by both CL and MT. LT had reported the road furniture issues. A summary of the items from the Couper Library suggestions box was read out by Kate Lonergan, including: a request for John Carson to do a surgery at Couper Library, suggestion for involvement of the C&DCC in the Couper Centenary in 2024, request for overgrown vegetation at Garrington Street and Muirend Avenue (Linn Ward) to be cut back, coffee morning events to be held at the Couper with speakers including authors, frequency of train services to be readdressd, the reopening of the Linn Park entrance, relocation of recycling bins to the garage space at Manse Brae. 

Action KL to add Couper suggestions box items to the standard agenda.

Action KL to add ‘You said… we did’ notice to library noticeboard.

3 Chair’s Report on priorities: Carolyn Lochhead

Regarding the spaces on the C&DCC, CL noted that we had been advised to expand to 14 places, replacing Rose McQuarrie and advertising an election for new members. Community Council agreed to this.

Action: CL to liaise with Glasgow City Council to get election underway

The high cost of the Xmas tree and the unsustainable nature of the decorative provision was addressed, with suggestions for 2023 including solar lighting (impractical due to low light levels – transformer option possible), future local sponsorship being sought out, a lighting of the tree event/carol concert around the tree-type event to maximise the value to the community of future trees/festive decorating. 

Regarding the improvements to Linn Park, the new trim trail-style play equipment is being planned, any feedback passed should be passed on to Friends of Linn Park.

Regarding the improvements to Merrylee Park, Cllr Ferguson noted that discussions are ongoing.It was understood that £60M funding exists for multiple parks, and that due to issues with the speed of rollout of the central procurement process, it might be necessary for GCC to go down the route of local empowerment in order to ensure the funding is allocated and spent within a reasonable time frame. It was suggested that Govanhill Housing Association could work with C&DCC should we be required to be involved in this.

4 Police report

Police did not attend on this occasion but will receive agendas and minutes of all meetings to: GreaterGlasgowLPSTCathcart@scotland.police.uk.

5 Planning report

Louisa Maddison’s planning summary was read out in her absence. No items to action.

6 Area Planning Partnership – Mhairi Taylor

MT gave an update on the Area Planning Partnership meeting from 27.04.23. It was noted that the Delvin Road traffic issue had been raised again, with MT following up with police.

Regarding the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund, it was noted that the Centre for Civic Innovation is devising a tool to be used in consultation with communities from June onwards. Neighbourhood Regeneration Services does not yet have visibility of this tool, but it is expected to be used to understand community need at a high level (roads, play equipment, street furniture, biodiversity corridors etc.) MT noted her view that a strategic approach is required as funding is quickly soaked up. There was understood to be an extra paper on the day from NRS re: the Linn Park, specifically an in-principle approval for funding, of which £185k is required in total to complete the project. FoLP have made an approach to a charity for £100K, with the 85k shortfall from the Infrastructure fund now approved.

Regarding Christmas decorations, it was noted that a decision regarding trees etc. was required by 19.05.23. It was noted that the tree outside the Couper Library last year had cost  £5k, which was deemed a high cost item.  Sustainable solutions for the future could include lighting in existing trees or planted trees that would live on. CL asked if the cost of a tree be split over the  three wards in which C&DCC is represented. Cllr Stephen Curran noted Xmas funding has been allocated, but Area funding could be available for the project.

Considering further the £1M infrastructure fund – the group considered what improvements to the area could be most beneficial. Specific capital investment projects identified were the area in front of the Couper currently under-utilised and active travel infrastructure including cycle lanes, improved area signage, access to the river, public seating (also sought by FoLP), improved community planting schemes (wildflower meadow behind the Merrylee Park was mooted, but lies just outside the C&DCC area), lighting (including the restoration of lamps on Cathcart Bridge), improvement of the Brunton Street area currently blighted by dead trees. Gary Lindstead, Park Ranger was suggested as a source of advice on planting schemes. The importance of consultation and getting multi-agencies involved in works was acknowledged.

7 Licensing Report – Steven McCann

No items to report.

8 Treasurer’s Report – Lynn Thomson

Very low expenditure in the past month with a closing balance of £3760.95.

9 August Community Gathering – Carolyn Lochhead

CL noted that the sub-group continues to work on the planning of the August event which constitutes a top five priority for C&DCC. A birthday cake has been commissioned, and activities planned including: a book swap, bird box building, Housing Association information stand, use of the church’s toys and games, henna tattoos, a samosa station, dance classes and live music.

The likely cost for a live band was deemed in the region of £400 and agreed to. Action: Tommy Petillo to book Brass, Aye? The potential for a leaflet drop to promote the event was also discussed. A low sensory start at 11.30am was proposed, with the main event taking place 12-2pm. The potential to lay on ‘fun’ access to the event (bogie?), or even an event bus (McGills?) was discussed. Food including soups/snacks will be available on a pay as you eat basis, and the Scouts will be approached to offer a hot dog stand.

Representation from other bodies such as Fire & Rescue, the Police, FoLP, local allotment associations, Zero Waste Scotland (juicing bikes) and the Burrell Collection was discussed.  Kevin McGarrigle has been in talks with local suppliers regarding food options, and final options are to be agreed. Use of the church’s tables would be desirable on the day. Kevin McGarrigle was nominated as the official photographer for the event, which was deemed helpful in raising the profile of the C&DCC.

10 Local Trains Update – Carolyn Lochhead

CL reported back the findings of a recent survey 5-28 April 2023 conducted in relation to local train services, which looked at areas like frequency of service and accessibility. Recent changes to the service have been announced, but these do not represent a return to pre-pandemic levels (4 trains an hour). 367 responses to the survey were submitted. Cllr Catherine Vallis noted that she had contacted Scotrail re: accessibility to Cathcart Station and raised with Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP. It was noted that a petition could be useful for parallel discussion with Network Rail and ScotRail. CL noted that her presentation would be shared on C&DCC social media and all Scottish MSPs including Kevin Stewart, the Scottish Transport Minister. The potential to have Cala Homes put pressure on NWR/SR was agreed, as all the homes being built on the Celeros sight are without parking. Local newspaper Glasgow Times could also be involved. 

Action: CL to share results of survey publicly and approach Scotrail and Network Rail

11 Summary of Councillors’ updates – Carolyn Lochhead

Cllr Sean Ferguson and Baillie Paul McCabe had submitted reports and further to those, the following points were noted.

Cllr Stephen McCurran noted that the Road Safety Action group has not yet met due to diary clashes.

Cllr Catherine Vallis noted that the issue with Castlemilk Pool opening hours is ongoing, there may be a review of opening hours.


It was noted that the corner of Dairsie Street, owned by Forrest Developments (currently an advertising site), is up for sale. It was suspected that there was Japanese knotweed on the site, (which the landowner has a legal responsibility to manage). CL noted that Planning will be informed if site is to be developed, and that this information was subject to public access.

Stephen McCann raised the broken ‘twenty’s plenty’ signs at school (these no longer flash). A city-wide scheme to address is to be implemented. Cllr Ferguson noted selected repairs could be carried out under the Infrastructure Improvement fund. Following RTAs, the question was posed as to whether there was scope to hasten the roll out of the Twenty Zone in selected areas where there had already been incidents.

It was noted that damage to road furniture (Barrier at Merrylee Rd, and Clarkston Rd and the flattened roundabout at Manse Brae) have already been reported.

Kim Van Deere noted that following a survey of existing planter locations (and attendant discussion with Jen Bell and Tommy Petillo re: issues finding resource to maintain), there was potential upside in relocating existing planters to Merrylee School, and the removal of  any others which cannot be maintained in their existing locations. KVD undertook to discuss in another forum with Yla Barrie, and to progress questions re: gully clearing and the needful trimming back of hedges preventing use of pavements.

Date of the next meeting (last before the summer recess in July and August) Wednesday 14th June 2023 7PM.

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.