We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Chair’s report April 2023

This report provides an update on progress on our priority areas since our last meeting on
8th March 2023. It does not cover matters related to finance, area partnerships, licensing
and planning, which will be covered in separate verbal reports at our meeting and actions
captured in the minutes. It covers only those of our priorities about which the Chair has new
information: updates on our other priorities are most welcome at the meeting.

Priority 1: Reopening Linn Park at Snuff Mill
As agreed at the last meeting, we have written to Baillie McCabe in his capacity as chair of
the Linn Area Partnership, requesting that the Partnership provide funding of £70k towards
the reopening of the entrance: Friends of Linn Park has made a similar approach. We have
also contacted all of our councillors asking for their support in this approach. We understand
that Friends of Linn Park is leading on an application to Paths for All for the remaining
funding of £100k to reopen the entrance, and have offered our support in this.

Priority 2: Restore the Cathcart Loop service to 4 trains an hour
We have now opened a survey of local residents to gauge their views on current levels of
service. This will run until the third week of April, and we will then analyse the results and
reach a view on next steps. Steven has also been in touch with our local MP on this issue.
On accessibility, we hope to have an update from our councillors on any funding availability
to make Cathcart station accessible for wheelchair users.

Priority 5: Community Events
As agreed at the last meeting, we have booked Cathcart Baptist Church for this event, and
have settled on the afternoon of Saturday 19th August. The planning group for this event will
have its first meeting on Thursday 6th April and will report back at the meeting under a
separate agenda item.

Priority 8: Enforce School Car-Free zone
The signs near the school now show the correct times for the car-free zone. I have had
some discussions with Sgt Kane of Pollok police office, whose officers cover Friarton Road.
He is aware of the issue and will do what he can on enforcement. Our primary police
engagement is with Sgt McLay and Sgt Walker at Cathcart Police Office, who will ensure
officers attend our meetings going forward. They will liaise with Sgt Kane’s team on the car-
free zone as required.

Priority 9: Improved opening hours: Castlemilk Pool
Cllr Vallis had to leave our last meeting before an opportunity arose to update on her
discussions regarding this area, so we may have an update at our April meeting.

Priority 11: Improved play area: Linn Park
I understand that the council has identified funding for this, and has asked Friends of Linn
Park to feedback on the style of play equipment proposed: this can be seen here:
https://www.kompan.com/en/gb/p/nro865. It would be located close to the existing play
equipment at the Seil Drive end, outwith the fenced play area. Friends of Linn Park are keen
to hear our views on this. I have also asked if it can be shared on our social media and with
OLA and Merrylee Parent Councils.

Priority 15: Improved play area: Merrylee Park
An opportunity exists to apply for funding to upgrade this area, as there are no council plans
to do so. Govanhill Housing Association is in principle happy to support this. However we
have held off as we understand there have been discussions at council level about this: we
hope to receive an update from councillors regarding this in April.

Priority 19: Welcome to Cathcart sign
Following the agreement at the last meeting to pursue funding for a mural on the side of
Cathcart and District Housing Association, we have now been advised that the wall is
unsuitable for this purpose. No further action has been taken at this point.

We have been advised of a series of online workshops for community councillors on the
theme of community and active travel: elected community councillors should feel free to sign
up for any of these, below. All will take place from 6.30-7.30pm.

Climate: Community and Active Travel (rural & islands)

Weds 19th April – Sign up link

Climate Community and Active Travel (urban)

Weds 3 rd May – Sign up link

Cars (rural & islands)

Weds 17 th May – Sign up link

Cars (urban)

Weds 31 st May – Sign up link


Carolyn Lochhead, Chair
April 2023

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.