Police update, C&CCD first birthday community party, update on community priorities, ‘Welcome to Cathcart’ graffiti.
Attendees in person: Community Councillors: Carolyn Lochhead (chair), Mhairi Taylor, Kim Van Deere, Irene McCann, Kate Lonergan, Jen Bell, Andrew Dewar
Others:Cllr Stephen Curran, Kevin McGarrigle, Tommy Petillo, Susan Watson, Margaret Crawford, M McMillan, PC Scott Cooney, PC Sammy Garcia
Attended remotely: Steven McCann
1 Welcome and introductions Carolyn Lochhead
2 Apologies: Louisa Maddison, Kenny Boyle, Cllr Paul McCabe, Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Leodhas Massie, Cllr Catherine Vallis
Approval of the Minutes, proposed by Andrew Dewar and seconded by Kate Lonergan. ACTION: Kate Lonergan to have minutes posted up in the library on an ongoing basis.
It was noted that Rose McQuarrie had resigned from her position as a Community Councillor, and many thanks were expressed to Rose in relation to her service. CL noted that she was awaiting confirmation from Steven Lawrence as to the process in relation to resignations. There was a short discussion regarding election/co-option of potential new CC members including Tommy Petillo or Kevin McGarrigle. It was noted that CL will advise community council members of the position, with a return to the topic at the next meeting.
3 Police report
Margaret Crawford noted that rubbish is being dumped on Merrylee Road under railway bridge at bins and on Clarkston Rd at Holmhead Rd
ACTION: Carolyn to report the refuse dumping issue to relevant GC Councillors (Linn), discussion re: dumping around recycling facilities, particularly ones which are hidden/concealed. It was agreed that signage even if no CCTV can be a deterrent.
ACTION: ALL Report on GCC app in real time, rather than just commenting on social media.
Regarding abandoned cars in Dairsie Street, it was noted that the advice is to contact 101 non-emergency police to deal with and report to DVLA.
Regarding cars jumping traffic lights at Delvin Road – there was the suggestion again of cameras required as a deterrent. It was noted that the road demarcations have been repainted, but that the behaviour (cars proceeding through lights after the aspect has changed to red) continues.
ACTION Request police attend/do more patrols, and have police advise their internal traffic department of the ongoing issue. It was suggested that the Council may install temporary measures if this is designated as an area of poor traffic compliance for assessment purposes). It was noted that this has already been flagged up by Cllr Stephen Curran, and will be reflagged to the police and Council Regeneration Services.
ACTION ALL, use 101 or online reporting for every instance of cars jumping lights/speeding when seen.
Regarding the enforcement of car free zone around Merrylee Primary, the issue was noted to have been passed to Pollok Police Station.
Regarding the fly tipping issue, police noted that they work with council regeneration departments, may deploy cameras in real problem areas.
ACTION ALL take photos of vehicles we see dumping, also individuals if it is possible to do so without risk of reprisals.
ACTION Carolyn to report road signage at Holmhead Road knocked down to relevant Councillor (Linn).
Items arising from the minutes
Ideas/suggestions post box to be placed in the Couper Institute has been made by Tommy Petillo and demonstrated at the meeting. Kate Longergan has requested that this be placed and a position has been found.
ACTION Carolyn to promote the new suggestions box on social media.
Cllr Curran has an action to call a hybrid (Zoom and in-person) meeting of the Road Safety Action group which will take place before the next meeting of the CDCC.
ACTION Cllr Curran to advise on outcomes.
The Welcome to Cathcart sign project is currently in abeyance. The proffered wall at CDHA is not suitable due to pipework.
A reapplication for planning for 21 flats and a convenience store to replace the White Elephant has been submitted.
ACTION Louisa to contact person who raised this issue regarding this issue.
Coronation community champion information had been shared via social media so individuals could nominate as they saw fit.
4 Chair’s Report on priorities – Carolyn Lochhead
Regarding the reopening of Linn Park, MT noted that a response was awaited from Baillie MacCabe re: funding over and above Friends of Linn group application to Paths for All. The Area Partnership meeting was due to take place in two weeks’ time.
On the Cathcart Loop train service online poll, it was noted that 138 responses had been received at the time of writing. The poll will close in the third week of April to allow analysis, and a petition on the outcome of the findings sent to Scotrail. It was noted that Simshill and Old Cathcart Community Council have expressed interest in this activity, and it was agreed it could be helpful to involve other CC’s if we have scope to do so. On the related issue of upgrading accessibility at Cathcart, it was agreed that this infrastructure issue falls under Network Rail as the asset owner. Cllr Stephen Curran is awaiting a response from Network Rail will come back re: infrastructure improvements already requested.
Regarding the car-free zone in proximity to the school, CL has had a conversation with Sgt Kane at Pollok Police Station, requesting more patrolling of the area.
ACTION ALL to continue to report issues through 101 or Police Scotland, including related issues like the ice cream van parking on Ashmore Road causing visibility issues,
On the issue of opening hours for Castlemilk Pool, it was noted that Cllr Vallis has raised this, and a meeting with the CEO of Glasgow Life is pending. The question of whether the pool was accessed more over the Easter holidays was raised (i.e. when users could actually access the service during weekday opening), and a related question regarding accessibility issues in terms of transport to and from the pool was also posed. The continued closure of health suite in some facilities was also raised. MT noted that the Bellahouston Pool offered free family swim sessions over Xmas and the uptake was significant.
Regarding the issue of Improving play facilities in Linn Park, Friends of Linn Park have shared more information on what new play equipment (trim trail in addition to existing equipment being left in situ) is being proposed: we will share this with our community via social media.
On the issue of improving play at Merrylee Park, it was noted that there were no current plans to improve the existing (very heavily used) facilities. Govanhill Housing Association have noted that they would support the CDCC if we found a source of funding, Cllr Sean Ferguson has been asked to progress and a response is awaited by Friday 14th April.
5 Area Planning Partnership
MT noted her intention to contact relevant groups (allotment associations, housing associations, youth groups etc.) to make them aware of area funding opportunities.
The Linn Park steps were noted to have been fully refurbished with funding from the Area Partnership, and are due to open in May. MT noted that other applications related to schools clusters are pending, and that it was good to see schools having gone forward and made application for the funding.
6 Treasurer’s Report
LT provided sight of the Treasurer’s Bank Account statement with a closing balance on 19.06.23 as £2,559.07.
7 August Community Gathering
Date of the above has been set for Saturday 19th August to celebrate the first birthday of the Community Council, sub-committee has been formed to manage, Sally Packer, retired community events co-ordinator has come forward to support this. The event will be free and accessible, and should be appropriately supported by sponsorship by local businesses, but will not operate as a fundraiser. The local food bank (East Ren Foodbank at Muirend) is to be asked what they want out of this – donations of food or a cash sum. It was agreed that £400 seemed like a low budget, but was agreed as an initial spend, should the sub-committee require to commit funds ahead of the next meeting. A positive response had already been received from local cafes including the Coffee Cup and Little Bird Café, with potential to include other popular local venues such as Soup’s on and the Cake Lady.
The sub-committee welcomed suggestions for activities on the day such as live music, play events etc.
ACTION LM to make contact with Celeros in respect of sponsorship of a Lego/play construction activity.
Derek Watson noted that he has a band contact and that there are also musicians in the CBC worship team.Several people suggested musicians and will follow up to explore their availability.
Other suggestions included the from seed to sandwich project in conjunction with Propagate (wheat grinding, making butter etc.) also bushcraft, circus skills, gardening-related etc. The planned programme is currently 11-3, with activities starting on the hour. It was noted that using the CBC would enable the event to make use of tables and gazebos. Food hygiene certificates will be required for servers, plus first aiders for the event.
A copy of the presentation for Holmwood House’s plan (to replace some trees with more in-scale apple and ginko trees, carrying out an archaeological dig around the tennis court site and further landscaping around the car park) is to be provided to the CDCC by Steven McCann once available.
ACTION CL to make contact with Holmwood House.
Date of the next meeting Wednesday 10th May 2023 7PM