We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 08/03/2023

Update on community priority list, reopening Linn Park at Snuff Mill and restore Cathcart train service, C&CCD community event.


WEDNESDAY 8TH March 2023, 7PM



Attendees in person: Community Councillors: Carolyn Lochhead (Chair), Louisa Maddison [Vice Chair], Irene McCann, Kate Lonergan, Steven McCann, Rose McQuarrie, Kenneth Boyle, Andrew Dewar


Cllr Catherine Vallis, Kenneth McQuarrie, Cllr John Carson, J Baird, William Baird, Marie McMillan, Tommy Petillo, Cllr Stephen Curran, Kevin McGarrigle, David McKendrick, 

Attendees Remotely: Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Susan Aitken, Sally Packer

1      Welcome and Introductions – Carolyn Lochhead

2 Apologies: Cllr. McCabe, Cllr Docherty, Kim Van Deere, Mhairi Taylor, Lynn Thomson,  Annamarie  Sands                      

Approval of the Minutes: 

Review of actions not covered in this meeting’s agenda:

Merrylee PS – new pitch: Cllr Ferguson has contacted Jim Kane, Ward Liaison Officer, and asked him to investigate possible pots of funding. He expects a reply soon and will forward the findings to the Community Council.  

Street Play funding: Cllr McCabe stated that dates are not yet set but it is hoped that this will  be soon and funding will be available.

Fire & rescue Visit – Merrylee PS: No information received as yet regarding Fire & Rescue Visit to Merrylee PS. This will be followed up with either the school  or Cllr McCabe. 

Dog fouling: Louisa Maddison[LM] There is a reporting facility on the GCC  website  & App. She will source the email address & contact the relevant  service. 

Action:  Carolyn Lochead[CL] will put the  information & link on C&DCC social media page

Minutes proposed  by Rose McQuarrie.     Seconded by Andrew Dewar

3      Updates since the last meeting – See attached Chair’s report. 

Priority 1: Reopening Linn Park at Snuff Mill: 

A joint letter with Simshill & Old Cathcart CC & Friends of Linn Park [FOLP]  was sent  to Cllr Susan Aitken & local MSPs. Glasgow Times was contacted to raise awareness. Two MSPs responded with advice & support. Various responses re funding options  are being explored. It was noted  that  £17k funding  has been granted to repair the section of the White Cart Walkway between Snuff Mill & Millhom Rd. This work is now underway & the walkway will be closed for approximately 8 weeks.  

Steven McCann [SMcC] attended  the FOLP meeting. Possible funding sources were discussed.  The Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund has allocated £1m to each Ward for Area Improvement with funding applications requiring evidence of a need from the local community. The C&DCC priorities survey can be used as evidence. Cllr Vallis confirmed that it can be used for Parks. FOLP are applying for Paths for All funding up to £100,000. The estimate cost is £150,00. The suggestion is that any shortfall should come from the Infrastructure Fund. Councillors can be emailed regarding any ideas re use infrastructure funds to be taken forward to the Area Partnership meeting.

Freedom of Information [FOI]: SMcC sent a FOI request re the cost of the temporary fencing measures. As no new information or costings were received in the reply, it was agreed to take no further action on this.

There was discussion on the allocation of funding from the Area Improvement Fund. Cllr Aitken clarified the process for allocation: 

  • Area Improvement Funding is not a grant application. Funding priorities are decided &  allocated by the voting members of the Area Partnership: Elected members, representatives from the Community Councils & co-opted community members.   
  • There is the possibility of Community Forums being established to encourage more community engagement beyond Community Councils & to balance accessibility to funds for Areas without a Community Council. This would support a clearer  idea of priorities. 
  • Although C&DCC is not  represented in all of the 3 Wards it includes, it could put bids in for funding grants for something that is in the remit of that Area Partnership. The Chair & the Lead Officer from an Area Partnership are the contact for requests to be considered on the agenda. Funding allocations will spread across the next 4 years. If there is a pressing need, the Chair can bring that to the Area Partnership for a decision.

Action: C&DCC to write to all Councillors on the Area Partnership regarding funding proposal.

Action: Circulate relevant City Councillors contact details to those present at this meeting & to encourage individual letters to request support. 

Action: Mhairi Taylor [MT] to inform the Baillie McCabe and the Lead Officer of the Area Partnership that our first request for Area Improvement Funding is £70,00 to restore accessible access to Linn Park.  

Action: C&DCC to continue to work jointly with FOLP & Simshill & Old Cathcart CC on this.

Priority 2: Restore the Cathcart Loop service to 4 trains an hour

Following ScotRail’s response of insufficient demand to C&DCC queries, a community survey will be formatted to assess the level of demand & start a petition. Cathcart Housing Association will promote this with their tenants. CL will also bring this to the  attention of Govanhill Housing Association. 

SMcC sent a FOI request re timetables & passenger numbers from 2019 to the present for all Cathcart Circle stations. A response arrived today & a quick assessment suggests  that  pre pandemic  passenger numbers were around 40,000 per day from Cathcart Station & now currently around 20,000. 

Action: SMcC will further analyse the data. 

Action: CL to format a survey then C&DCC start a petition. 

Action: Councillors will keep the Community Council informed of discussions with Network Rail & SPT. The survey will be useful to Councillors. SMcC will pass on the data received com Network Rail to Councillors.

Accessibility: Network Rail has responded in the negative to the C&DCC query re plans for accessibility for all.  Emails to councillors  re accessibility indicate that the need is there. Cllr Vallis noted that Network Rail has provided accessibility in some stations. It may be worth  investigating if a funding pot exists, how it could be accessed & also identifying practically where a lift could be situated. 

Action: Cllrs will investigate possible targeted sources of funding & research with the Council or Council Officers. 

Priority 5: Community Events

The plan is to hold a Community event in the late summer or early autumn. A community lunch / drop in was  suggested hosting a variety of stalls: home baking, crafts for the kids, planting, showcasing local crafts etc. Cathcart housing association has offered information stalls. Various suggestions came from the floor: Merrylee Tenants / Residents’ Association have held an open days mid September, local supermarkets, Repair Cafe in Govanhill. 

Venue: After discussion about possible venues, it was decided to use the space & facilities offered by the Cathcart Baptist Church.

When: End of August/ start of September  

Action: Consult with local community groups to ensure there is no clash with any other planned event. 

Action: Formation of planning subcommittee: CL will contact Kate Lonergan, Tommy Petillo, Steven McCann, Sally Packer, Louisa Madison, Kevin McGarrigle.

Priority 6: Engage with Community

Social media pages are established & volunteers are needed to keep it up to date. Thanks went to Tommy Petillo [TP] who has built the CC website: https://cathcartdistrict.org.uk & has volunteered to manage the blog. Minutes are now available online. Our email list for people who are not community councillors but are interested in being involved is growing. Contact cathcartdcc@gmail.com to be added to the list. 

Emma Durnam has designed a CC logo featuring the local area. LM has commissioned a poster advertising  the C&DCC. The CC group photo is almost ready. 

Kate Lonergan [KL]  suggested placing a simple postbox in the Couper Institute Library asking for views/ issues/ suggestions for the CC.  

Action: KL & Cllr Carson will approach library to see if this is possible. TP  will design & build a postbox. If it proves popular the idea could be extended. 

Priority 8: Enforce School Car-Free zone

Traffic Free Zone signs now display the correct end times. Chair thanked Jim Kane Neighbourhood Coordinator.  It was noted that there are still drivers that ignore the signs. 

Cllr Curran stated that the police are aware of the change in the signs & that Inspector James McFarlane is the new Community Policing Inspector. He is based in Pollok &  responsible for Newlands/Auldburn ward.  It was agreed that the CC would contact him. 

There exists a Road Safety Action Group consisting of local Councillors, volunteers & representatives from the former C&DCC. Cllr Curran will  contact members to hold a meeting on this issue. Contact will be made with the schools’ Parent Councils. He will report back on discussions at next meeting.  

Action: Cllr Curran to call a meeting of the Road Safety Action Group Merrylee area. 

Action: CL will contact local Community police & invite to the next CC meeting. . 

Action: OLA & Merrylee Parent Councils to be contacted. 

Priority 19: Welcome to Cathcart sign

A survey was sent via the C&DCC social media page seeking views & location suggestions  for a sign. The majority of responses were in favour of a sign at the Cathcart Housing Association & other possibilities will be explored. A funding opportunity exists & applications  are to be in by 31 March. Cllr Vallis has information re a street artist.

Action: CL will apply for funding. SMcC & CL will explore ideas for  other possible sites.

Action: Cllr Vallis to contact a possible street artist.

4: Police report: No attendance

5: Planning report – Louisa Madison [LM]

Information will focus on applications that impact on the whole community. If any information is requested on other applications, it will be provided. 

Celeros Cala housing development: More detail on the plan was provided at two consultation meetings last week.These are available on the developer’s website. The design is amended to provide increased parking, a slight reduction in unit numbers & small areas of park and access routes through the site. Any comments can be passed to the Development team or on the online survey provided. This is the last chance to submit comments before the planning application is submitted.


Action: LM will pass on any additional comments from the C&DCC to Celeros if needed.

White Elephant site: No change – still pending & under consideration.

Delvin Rd: Planning approval has been granted for a Watch makers workshop on the vacant land alongside the river & the railway line. 

Brunton St:  On a resident’s enquiry to CL re the development of a piece of land off Brunton St. LM has looked at the documentation & it appears that Section 75[s75]has been allocated. s75 is a financial agreement between a landlord & the Council for funding land development, for example a playpark.   LM has emailed the Council enquiring if there is a plan in place for s75 money locally. 

6:     Written Report on Area Planning Partnership – Mhairi Taylor

 MT attended APP meeting 9.02.23. The report will be circulated & agenda, papers & minutes are available online. Areas covered included the reopening of the entrance to Linn Park & sourcing of funding. We have representation in Linn Ward though the C&DCC covers three Wards. We may want to consider greater involvement in the 2 other wards to ensure that the needs of specific areas within our remit are met.  Each ward may have different investment priorities. Guidance re applying for funds from the AP budget & the application cycle are available. The CC should consider raising awareness of the availability & application process with  community groups, third sector organisations & PTAs. 

Action: [MT] Compile a contact list of these local groups & organisations & then forward details of the funding availability & application process.

Neighbourhood Investment Improvement scheme: There was discussion on the areas  this fund can be spent on & if it is participatory budgeting. Existing papers include improving environment,  general street scenes, transport infrastructure & supporting active travel, reducing car dependency. Some funding has already been spent on roads & lighting within the area. 

Presently the APs make the decision with some community support. Participatory budgeting is open to request from the APs. Most APs are actively engaging with community groups to identify needs. 

Re Priority 11: Cllr Ferguson has tasked Jim Kane & Karen Venables  to  draw funding proposals for parks within the Newlands/Auldburn Area including Merrylee Park. Approximately £50,000 is to be allocated from the Area’s Parks & Open Spaces funding. Another potential source for playpark equipment might be  from the Scottish Government’s Playpark Renewal fund. 

As the next AP meeting is on 27 April, the May C&DCC meeting will allocate more discussion time to Area Partnership funding.

7: Licencing Report: SMcC   No current licensing issues.

8: Treasurer’s Report: Lynn Thomson 

CL provided report on behalf of LT : Online banking is now authorised & signatories are Carolyn, Louisa & Lynn. Outstanding invoices are paid. There is £4047 in the account to be used  for the benefit of the community. 

Action: LT Details of the account will be circulated.

9: Summary of Councillors updates: Councillors’ updates were circulated with the agenda or will be sent.

Cllr Ferguson: Mossgiel Rd/ Langside Dr: A response from NRS has been unavoidably delayed.  The department’s findings  will be reported to the CC as soon as possible. 

Merrylee: Residents’ complaints re insufficient  litter bin provision: The council is unable to provide additional  bins, a possible solution could be to resituate  some existing bins without having a detrimental effect on other areas. Some houses have been affected with water ingress & damp, repairs are scheduled in due course. There have been complaints re antisocial behaviour, this has now be resolved. 

PMK no problems reported at present. 

Coronation Community Champion Award: This award is for persons who have given significant contribution to the community. C&DCC asked to identify anyone in the community that might be worthy of nomination. 

Action: Cllr Ferguson to send information on this award to Chair. 

Cllr Carson: PMK: Re damage to green verges on Merrylee Rd, this has been reported to the Council who will contact PMK. 

On Dairsie St : Awaiting a reply from the Council on issues re  maintenance of roads & lack of maintenance of green spaces 

LED Lighting: There are concerns regarding this lighting directly beaming onto trees which may affect nocturnal animals including owls. The lights can be adjusted to beam onto the ground. 

Action: Cllr Carson will contact Lisa Davidson to reiterate the priorities in this & other areas.

10: AOCB 

On the AP report: £12,00 of funding approved by the AP for play equipment in  Linn park. Friends of Linn Park will make the decision as to what is needed. The suggestion was made that children could be consulted. 

Action: CL will continue to liaise with FOLP.

Cllr Vallis: has been following up the opening hours of Castlemilk Pool.   

Query re Community Forum:  Some Areas don’t have Community Councils. Establishing community forums are being considered  as a way of representing the views of those Areas.

Action: Cllr Ferguson will gather more information on this. 

Date of the next meeting Wednesday 12 April  2023 7PM

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.