We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 08/05/24


WEDNESDAY 8 May 2024, 7.00PM-9PM


CDCC Agenda 8.5.24.docx – Google Docs

CDCC 10.4.24.docx – Google Docs


  1. Welcome and apologies. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to host the meeting online, so apologies include those who had planned to dial in. 
Present: Irene McCann, Steven McCann, Lynn Thomson, Cllr Johnny Carson, Margaret Crawford, Kate Lonergan, Graham, Ross Taylor, Kenny Boyle, Andrew Dewar, Mhairi Taylor, Ross Taylor, Allana Ward, Yla Barrie, Kenneth Boyle, Louisa Maddison, Carolyn Lochhead.
Apologies:Beth Hamilton, Kim Van Deere, Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Paul McCabe, Audrey Cameron,Tommy Petillo, Cllr Vallis, Cllr Curran, Kevin McGarrigle.
  1. Future of Couper Library – Alana Ward, Head of Libraries, Glasgow Life 
  • Alana has been in post for a year, and also has responsibility for 2x public halls including Couper (recently brought into this team with Community Centres)
  • Libraries across the city have equal footing in terms of funding due to a Glasgow Life service fee from GCC (provides for around 80% of costs – rest is generated from income).
  • Council budget (3 years to 2027) provides enough revenue funding to run both library and institute for the next three years – fully expect both facilities to be running for that period. 
  • What is lacking is Capital funding (allocation from GCC is zero) which creates a difficult position for venue management – prioritising immediate need for repairs – expect limited provision for refurb etc. 
  • Couper library doing very well post-covid with figures from visits demonstrating it is well used and much loved. Annual use figures: 2019/20 = 47k; 2023/24 = 57k. Lending figures: 2019/20 = 32k; 2023/24 = 29k. (Lends are increasing from covid, and there has been a switch to electronic services for many) – this is standard across the city.
  • Institute not so positive in terms of use (2019/20 = 51k; 2022/23 = 2k; 2023/24 = 10k) again not unusual in terms of community lets across the city.
  • People Make Glasgow Communities (PMGC) – community asset transfer. No groups have shown an interest in the Couper. Due to this, and poor condition of building it was identified as a potential budget saving (proposal did not go ahead). Expect requirement of £5-7million for both buildings to bring them to standard. 
  • Discussion around booking post covid (difficult to get in touch with staff and there is no online booking system). Alana – look into providing a definitive email/phone number and updated rates. 
  • Query of a plan to develop and ensure use – work with the community to improve use as the building used to be very well used by various groups. 
  • GLife community centre staff came into Allana’s team in Oct. Improvement needed on comms in terms of how the service works. 
  • GCC/Life have various strategic plans but not one directly for community centres – potential fit under community learning and development.
  • Discussion over potential for funding drive (heritage, listed building) – compare with Langside Hall, Govanhill Baths. Potential for CC sub-group to support.
  • Alana confirms that GLife are committed to keeping buildings operating; basic maintenance is expected.
  • One of the CC potential projects is to develop the space out the front of the building as more of a sustainable community space. GLife happy to work on this with us (but with no money to contribute) – to discuss further. 


  • Carolyn and Alana organise a building tour
  • Alana provide age breakdown of usage data
  • Alana check whether Mystery shopper process completed for Couper. 
  1. Actions from last meeting and approval of the minutes CDCC 10.4.24.docx – Google Docs   
  • Short term lets – 2 in last 2 years. 

Action: Carolyn check in with other CCs on how they manage this

  • Proposed: Steven. Seconded: Yla 
  1. Chair’s Report Chair’s Report May 24 – Google Docs

Additional comments:

Friends of Linn Park – funding success for phase 1 – and they are having a meeting with funder to discuss progression of project. Once Friends have funding and timescale confirmed we can help promote.  

School car free zone  

  • Parent Council could produce digital leaflet with map and times.
  • CC find out print cost – (2x PS and nursery) and investigate producing a leaflet
  • Police – request presence and ability to fine
  • Potential for a school road safety focus – make a video, run campaigns etc.

Merrylee PS

  • Pitch – meeting set up for Tuesday 14th May. Ross attending on behalf of CC as well as Yla. 
  • Merrylee outdoor classroom currently cordoned off as unsafe for use (with unsafe fencing) – school investigating pricing to remove. 
  • Parent Council 20 May – CC members attend if possible to discuss.

Opening for new Community Councillor

  • Open til 24 May
  • Would be good to have younger reps e.g. could approach schools and use social media 
  1. Cathcart Festival: to include events:
  • 3 Aug – Food and Drink festival at Holmwood House
  • 10 Aug – summer fete at Cathcart Baptist Church
  • 17 Aug – Couper institute tbc
  • 24 Aug – microtalks at the library

£470 spent of £500 approved budget – opportunities/ideas for sponsorship welcome.

  1. Micro Talks project – great atmosphere last time with 48 people; bigger room and PA system used. There were activities for kids in the Children’s room which can be publicised next time. 
  1. Police – Action: Carolyn remind them of meeting dates
  1. Area Planning Partnership report – Kenny attended. Follow up meeting within a fortnight proposed as no decisions made – no communication received. 
  1. Planning – Louisa – no update
  1. Licencing report – Steven – no update
  1. Treasurer’s report – Lynn
  • Last a/c balance: £3,367.84
  • Current balance: £2,681.96
  • Expenditure on Church Hall, Secretary fees, Microtalk refreshments, PA system 
  • Overpayment to Cala Homes returned (£300)
  1. Summary of Councillors’ updates

Email from Cllr Fergusson

  • Merrylee PS play surface – delayed and being charged
  • Langside Dr traffic calming – chasing up
  • Area partnership funding issued to some local venues

Cllr Carson

  • Dumping issues
  • Tactile paving installation raised
  • Graffiti clean-up requested
  • Linn Park clean up Sat am 
  • Proposed constituency name change – we would become part of “Glasgow South”.
  • Investigating Castlemilk Pool opening hrs with Cllr Vallis (Gorbals closed for refurb). Glasgow residents use East Ren services as better opening hrs – looking into comparing funding/income deficit.
  1. AOCB 
  • Feedback from library suggestion box – Kate – no update
  • Enquiry re giant hogweed – LM will respond.
  • Vandalism and ASB at Merrylee PA increases with fence cutters used. CCTV not good enough. Please report via 111.
  • 18 May GCC CC session – last one that Steven Dowling will be running – details in inbox for CC to attend if able. 
  • Active travel consultation open 
  • Weekend clean up 10am – see Lynn for details

Date of the next meeting Wednesday 12th June 2024 7PM


1. Reopen Linn Park at Snuff Mill IN PROGRESSCarolyn10. Delvin/Clarkston road junction
2. Restore Cathcart Loop to 4 trains an hour ACHIEVEDCarolyn11. Improved play area: Linn Park
3. Keep Couper library open IN PROGRESS12. Community planting IN PROGRESSKim
4. Street cleaning/maintenance 13. Cycling infrastructure/parking – see Active Travel Strategy consultation
5. Community events ONGOINGCarolyn14. Restore lamps on Cathcart bridgeLynn
6. Engage with community 15. Play equipment: Merrylee Park
7. Improved street lighting16. Christmas Tree ACHIEVEDMhairi
8. Enforce school car-free zone IN PROGRESS17. Tree lights in Holmlea Park
9. Improved opening hours: Castlemilk pool18. Welcome to Cathcart sign IN PROGRESSCarolyn

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.