We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Chair’s report February 2023

This report provides an update on progress since our last meeting on 11th January 2023. It does not cover matters related to finance, area partnerships and planning, which will be covered in separate verbal reports at our meeting and actions captured in the minutes.

Local relationships

Mhairi and I met Simshill and Old Cathcart Community Council in January to discuss areas of joint interest, particularly the entrance to Linn Park, which sits within their ward. We agreed to work together on getting this reopened, and have also made contact with Friends of Linn Park, who are keen to work together. They have shared an update they have received which is that the damaged fence on the White Cart Walkway will be repaired: a contractor is being appointed and this could take 6-8 weeks. Budgets are still being looked at to repair the path at Snuffmill. We hope that a representative from Friends of Linn Park will attend our February meeting, so we may be able to agree some actions. Councillor Vallis’ report mentions that she and Cllr Carson are organising a public meeting, so we will also liaise on this. Steven has submitted an FOI request relating to the work done so far.

Simshill and Old Cathcart would also like to work with us on our priorities of restoring the Cathcart Circle train service and on holding a community event.

Kim and I are due to meet Cathcart Housing Association this week and will report back at the next meeting. We have also submitted an article about our Community Council to Govanhill Housing Association’s newsletter.

Louisa attended the most recent meeting of Merrylee Primary’s Parent Council. We have approached OLA’s Parent Council too.

Whiteinch Community Council have also been in touch and I am arranging to meet their Chair for a discussion.

Involving the community in our work

We now have a holding page for our website, following a successful online development session run by local resident Tommy Petillo, who is generously building us a website at no cost. The site is https://cathcartdistrict.org.uk/: it only has basic contact details just now, Tommy will create the full site in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who filled in the survey or attended the session to identify what the site should contain.

We continue to add to our email list for people who are not community councillors but are interested in being involved: please contact cathcartdcc@gmail.com to be added to the list.

Louisa has also contacted a local designer who will create a poster and flyers for us at a competitive rate.

Actions on priorities

We have been surveying the local community on our priorities, and Mhairi will lead a discussion on this later. However, we have taken some action on those areas which were identified as likely priorities:

Restoring the Cathcart Circle service to four trains an hour

I have made initial contact with Scotrail, who advise that demand is insufficient at present. I also asked about the possibility of making the station accessible to wheelchair users, but have not received a response yet. We can discuss next steps at the meeting.

Upgrading Merrylee Park

We have an in-principle commitment from Govanhill Housing Association to work with us on a funding proposal to upgrade Merrylee Park. We have sought guidance on how to go about this and also hope to receive an update from our Neighbourhood Co-ordinators on any existing plans for the park.

Adding planters to our neighbourhood/managing plants at Cathcart station

We have been advised that we can have planters supplied by Glasgow City Council if we decide where we want them and have a plan to maintain them. Kim is leading on this action and is currently assessing where we already have planters in the neighbourhood. Cllr Curran has helpfully provided information about Merrylee Plotholders. Irene has been in touch with Berridale allotments, who will consider whether they can help with the Scotrail planters at Cathcart station.

Addressing traffic at schools AND at Delvin Road

Our Neighbourhood Co-ordinator James Kane advises that he will seek to get the sign at the schools updated to reflect the correct car-free zone times – currently the signage says it ends at 3.15, but Merrylee Primary does not close until 3.10. We believe it should read 3.30 and have asked Merrylee Parent Council to confirm.

Following our last meeting, Councillor McCabe contacted Inspector Cennydd Smith at Gorbals police office, who is covering our area at present regarding drivers jumping the lights at the Delvin Road/Clarkston Road junction. He advises that officers will inspect the area and look at previous call and collision data, and may seek to have the sequencing of the lights adjusted. We have also noticed that the road markings have been repainted in that area. We hope police will attend our meeting tonight and may provide an update.

Welcome to Cathcart sign

We have made contact with Gillian McNeill, who grew up in our area and has done many murals, including at Drygate Brewery. She has shared a funding opportunity at Creative Scotland which could provide funding of between £300-£10,000 for projects that either:

• bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities

• improve the places and spaces that matter to communities

• help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage

We may wish to discuss an application to this fund for either a mural or one of our other priorities. The deadline is 31 March.

Community event

I have enquired about Street Play dates for this year and been told no decision has yet been taken.


The Couper library has now reopened and we encourage all residents to make use of this excellent community resource.

Baillie McCabe’s report makes reference to likely funding from the next Area Partnership – we will find out more about this with a view to proposing where it should be spent.

Carolyn Lochhead


February  2023

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.