We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 11/10/23




  1. In attendance:
    1. Community Councillors: Carolyn Lochhead (Chair), Louisa Maddison (Vice-Chair), Kenny Boyle, Kate Lonergan, Lynn Thomson, Steven McCann,Tommy Petillo, Andrew Dewar, Mhairi Taylor
    2. Local authority councillors: Cllr John Carson, Cllr Sean Ferguson
    3. Others: Ross Taylor, Janey Jones, Margaret Crawford, M McMillan, Pauline Kelly, Yla Barrie

Apologies: Irene McCann, Beth Hamilton, Cllr Massie, Kim Van Deere, Cllr McCabe

  1. Actions from last meeting and approval of the draft minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p-iV1yHJPC2aUSdyB5QZCnux-f5CibqmPH5VkwvVC4I/edit All relevant action points were included in the agenda. Minute accepted (proposed by Andrew, seconded by Kenny)
  2. Carolyn talked through her Chair’s Report. Actions / additional points: 
  • Lynn volunteered to help with the Window Wanderland. 
  • Concerns over potential vandalism of mural – location to be discussed with ScotRail staff at on site meeting soon.
  • Katherine suggested a strapline/motto as other areas have – let’s look for suggestions.
  1. Planning report – Louisa Maddison (10 mins)
  • Flats with convenience store at White Elephant (23/01882/FUL). Decision date 24 Oct. 
  • Housing development at Newlands Road (23/01066/FUL) – no update. Info from developer is online.
  • Garage etc at Muirend Avenue/ Clarkston Road (23/00628/FUL). Applicant was allowed to submit additional documents to reflect change of use of site. If any locals are finding the site is opening outwith the stated hours, or there is nuisance noise etc please let Planning Enforcement know or the CC can pass info on.
  • Elrig Gate – new road name proposed for housing development off Elrig Road – no comments. 
  • Lidl – some discussion on potential locations locally but nothing formal proposed that we are aware of.
  1. Licencing report – Steven McCann – no update
  2. Treasurer’s report – Lynn Thomson – expenditure for hall let since last meeting – balance is £3043.48. We have money to spend so any suggestions are welcome. 
  3. Summary of Councillors’ updates:

Councillor Sean Ferguson spoke through his written report

  • CC are welcome to join other Area Partnerships (as 2 others covers our geographic area) as a corresponding member with no voting rights – welcome to attend meetings and/or receive papers. ACTION: Mhairi to follow up
  • No date arranged yet to inspect Merrylee PS pitch which is in desperate need of repair – outstanding.

Cllr Carson updated on various issues raised at last meeting:

  • Overgrown area at Couper – awaiting response Glasgow Life and Council. 
  • Has link to find contact details for Close etc factors if needed. 
  • Timing of traffic lights at the junction Cathcart/Merrlyee Road – the Council Officer has inspected and timed the crossing and deemed the timing acceptable. However, the timings ought to be needs based so will continue to chase to see if time can be lengthened to benefit local need. 
  • Rhannon Rd crossing button has now been fixed; during site visit noted many cars running lights; police have now committed to monitor. 
  • The Council have reported city-wide issue with power outages affecting traffic lights; continuing to investigate the impact of this locally. 
  1. AOCB
    1. Feedback from library suggestion box (Kate and Tommy) to date were to do with keeping the library open, and vehicle use of the space outside the building. Not receiving much feedback and library staff unable to re-locate the box. Propose new sign to raise awareness and discuss in future if a different location is required (e.g. Sainsburys, train station). ACTION: Tommy will continue to work on this including creating a blog post on the webpage incorporating comments and our response. 
    2. Update on library talks (Tommy). “micro-talks” have been used in other local regions and libraries on various subjects, open to everybody. Has templates and starting proposal for Couper library, planning speakers etc. Get in touch if interested in being involved / have suggestions. CC AGREED budget up to £300 if required for equipment, promotion etc. 
    3. Xmas tree at the Couper – Kenny can build a nicer picket fence if the Council will agree – ACTION: Mhairi to chase up with Arbo Officer.
    4. Small spends up to £50 for minor spends e.g. public space gardening – AGREED ok to approve with affirmation from 2 Office-bearers rather than the full committee to keep admin down. Agreed.
    5. Graffitti become very prolific again, from one individual – Cllr Carson will look into the issue. 
  2. Area Planning Partnership  – Identifying Infrastructure Fund priorities (Mhairi). Our Cc is within 3 wards; each ward has £1milion to spend on infrastructure. Eg £85,000 from Linn Area Partnership has been agreed toward re-opening the Snuff Mill entrance to Linn Park. 

Infrastructure fund can be spent on various e.g. roads, street lighting, parks etc. but ought to be transformative rather than for “normal” maintenance. The processes for decision making within the Ward AP are still being worked on, but it is good to be ready – to have ideas of costing etc. Community support is a definite bonus when it comes to allocating the funding. 

AGREED our priorities are:

  • Concept plan for landscaping outside the Couper (Linn Ward)
  • Holmlea Park (Langside Ward)
  • Merrylee Park (Newlands and Auldburn Ward)
  • Merrylee PS pitch (Newlands and Auldburn Ward)
  • Lighting on Langlside Bridge (previously proposed and notionally agreed at Linn Ward)

Additional points:

  • CCTV at Merrylee PS are Council responsibility – ACTION: Cllr Carson will let Cllr Curran know this is an issue.
  • Cathcart Castle accessibility funding was agreed in the past, unsure if this has been reallocated or lost in the prioritisation of re-opening the access route at Snuff Mill.
  • Potential to match or entirely fund some of these from local funds e.g. Cala Homes community funding.
  • ACTION: Louisa find out if there was Section 75 funding from the Scottish Power developments.

Date of the next meeting: Wednesday 8th November 2023 7PM

No meeting in December, following one is January 10.


1. Reopen Linn Park at Snuff Mill Carolyn10.Delvin/Clarkston road junction
2. Restore Cathcart Loop to 4 trains an hourCarolyn11.Improved play area: Linn Park
3. Keep Couper library open 12. Community plantingKim
4. Street cleaning/maintenance 13. Cycling infrastructure/parking
5. Community events Carolyn14. Restore lamps on Cathcart bridgeLynn
6. Engage with community 15. Play equipment: Merrylee Park
7. Improved street lighting16. Christmas Tree Mhairi
8. Enforce school car-free zone17. Tree lights in Holmlea Park
9. Improved opening hours: Castlemilk pool18. Welcome to Cathcart signCarolyn

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.