We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 8/11/23


WEDNESDAY 8th November 2023, 7PM                                                                  


1.Welcome and Apologies: 


Community Councillors: Louisa Maddison [Vice Chair], Irene McCann, Kate Lonergan, Steven McCann, Mhairi Taylor (Area Partnership Rep), Kevin McGarrigle,  Kenny Boyle, Andrew Dewar, Tommy Petillo, Beth Hamilton, Lynn Thomson

GCC: Cllr Stephen Curran, Cllr Catherine Vallis, Cllr Sean Ferguson

Others: M. McMillan, Pauline Kelly, Stephen Dewar, Alison Cameron

Apologies: Baillie McCabe, Carolyn Lochhead, Cllr John Carson, Kim Van Deere

2. Actions from last meeting & approval of draft minutes: 

Actions from last meeting have been carried over into tonight’s meeting apart from the enquiry re if there was Section 75 funding from Scottish Power riverside developments. Louisa has contacted the City Council regarding this & will provide an update when received.

Minutes:  Approved: Proposed by Steven McCann  Seconded by Mhairi Taylor

3. Chair’s report Louisa Maddison: Chair’s Report

Re C&DCC’s priorities listed on the agenda.

Priority 2: Restore Cathcart Loop to 4 trains an hour.

From December, there will be an hourly service on Sundays. The full timetable still falls short of pre Covid levels. We need to clarify if this improvement will lead to a restoration of full service. 

Action: Carolyn to write to ScotRail appreciating the improvement and seeking clarity regarding future plans for the restoration of the full service.

Re Disability Access to the station – Cathcart Station is one of the possible stations on the  Department for Transport’s list for Access for All funding. There will be a priority setting exercise before final decisions. 

Action: Carolyn to request an update to be sent before next Community Council meeting. 

Priority 18: Welcome to Cathcart sign.

Carolyn, Steven & Mhairi met with John Wilson, ScotRail’s Community Liaison Representative. The suggested site is the brick wall facing the foot of the stairs within the entrance tunnel, which has CCTV coverage. This is owned by Network Rail and John will support the Community Council’s application to Network Rail re permission for siting the mural.  The design has yet to be decided. The proposal is to contact local artists for design ideas & community involvement in the final decision. There is also possible funding of up to £5000 from the ScotRail Local Community Fund.  

Action: Carolyn to write to ScotRail re progress with ideas/ information/ funding possibilities & the group to view other murals at railway stations sites. 

Community Council Secretary Vacancy

 As a result of our social media post, we hope to have a new secretary in post for the January meeting. 

Upcoming Council and related events and funding opportunities: 

Information and links provided in Chair’s report. 

Action: Open to all councillors to contact if interested. 

4. Window Wanderland: 16th – 18th February 2024. The planning group has four members at present: Sally Packer, Lynn Thomson, Pauline Kelly & one other expressing support. The event is now live on the Window Wanderland website as Creative Cathcart. Registration is now open. https://www.windowwanderland.com/event/cathcart-2024/ 

A project plan is in place. Cala Homes have been approached re sponsorship for flyers & workshops on creating displays. A local resident with art experience has offered to run the workshops. Winter Wonderland offers ideas but not resources for windows. The planning group are now considering possible sponsorship sources for materials. 

Action: Continue search for sponsorship for flyers, posters and art resources. Begin event promotion by beginning of December. 

5. Couper Library talks project: The new Library Manager is very supportive of the mini talks project and can provide a projector, seating & facilities for tea and coffee.  A subgroup has been formed and the plan is to organise four events over the year, the first either the mid or end of January.  The choice of topic can be open to the speakers, different talks on different subjects, or a focus on a particular theme. The experience of the planning group has been of interesting, varied, informative & entertaining talks.

Action: Date of January talk to be confirmed.

6.Police Report: No Police present due to a misunderstanding re date of meeting.  

Action: The list of future dates to be emailed to Police

7. Planning report: Louisa Maddison

No new planning reports of interest. The three currently active are pending with no decision taken yet:

Merrylee Rd – Flats with convenience store at White Elephant site

Muirend Ave – Garage development – open for comments until 27th November

Newlands Rd – Housing development

Louisa can be contacted re any questions regarding planning.

8: Licensing Report: Steven McCann: No items to report.

9: Treasurers report:

Last account balance: £3008.48   

Expenditure:   October Church Hall let  £35.00    

                       AGM Accountant’s Fee  £50.00

                       Winter Wanderland         £200.00

Lynn Thomson expenses incurred: 

Rhannan Rd Planter – plants etc. Printer ink £60.97

Current balance: £2662.51

Other Points raised: 

Ownership of Planters: As GCC no longer take responsibility for maintenance of public planters could Community Council replace signage on them? 

Cllr Ferguson: Council no longer have responsibility so by now the council logo should have been removed & could be replaced by C&DCC  signage. 

Actions: Cllrs Ferguson & Vallis to confirm present ownership.

              Discuss at January meeting if the Community Council wish to take responsibility for planters and a community member suggestion re hanging baskets.

10: Summary of Councillor’s updates

Cllr Vallis:

 – Action will be taken re the rubbish/ fly tipping/ overgrowth at the rear of the Coupar Institute 

– Cambuslang and Rutherglen have created murals in or around the railway stations which could be viewed.

– Cllr Vallis & Cllr Carson’s surgery continues to be held in the Coupar Library on the first Wednesday of the month. An update on proposals to next year’s City Council budget will be provided when available. 

– Query re clearing vegetation on Monreith Rd: Cllr Vallis will check if the length of the road has been cleared. 

Cllr Curran: 

– Merrylee P.S Play & Football Pitch and Merrylee Park Play Area: Merrylee Play Park has been recently vandalised. Although papers have been already circulated,Cllr Curran & Cllr Ferguson will request these to be added to the agenda at Friday’s Area Partnership. There will be a participatory budget in process and there are other play areas in the ward however both sites have been & should be well used. 

Cllr Ferguson: 

 – Merrylee P.S Pitch: Correspondence has been forwarded to Council officers with a request to take repairs into consideration. Council has indicated that a full comprehensive pitch restoration could be in excess of £220,000. It may be possible to receive matched funding from S.F.A. & other organisations to supplement any funding from the Council. Council officers have been tasked with a full consultation process. 

 – Merrylee Park Play area: This play area was not in the initial correspondence for Government funding for play park improvements. The Newlands Park play area also needs upgrading. Other sources to augment funding will need to be found as parks, which have been granted funding, have received a relatively small amount. 

Action: General updates will be circulated to the Minute Secretary in due course. 

 – Muirend – Faded street signage: About 20 to 30 signs affected. There has been a delay in manufacturing due to increased volume of business. The City Council is pursuing this. Action: Cllr. Ferguson will keep in contact with Council officers.

 – Muirend- Condition of pavements: Residents’ concerns re restoration of pavements following cable laying work over the year. Pavements should be restored to the same quality before work commenced. 

Action:Any issues  will be followed up by Cllrs Ferguson, Massie  & Curran as necessary. 

 – Merrylee – Gully clearing:  Many streets in the area need clearing. Council officers have been asked to find some slots for clearing these. Some residents have offered to begin a clear up. 

– Merrylee Park – Fire damage: Cllr Ferguson has contacted Police Scotland & tasked Council officers to draw up potential repair costings. Based on initial estimates, a full-scale replacement would be in excess of £150,00. 

  • Langside Dr – Road Safety: City Council has committed to additional road safety measures. Cllr. Ferguson will contact Council officers to ensure these measures are soon in place.

Additional points: 

– Road Signage requiring cleaning: Cllr. Ferguson will pursue with officers if necessary.  The Chair requested that any issues/concerns noted should also be reported through the City Council App which logs them onto the system.  

– Area Partnership links: Mhairi has written to Newlands/Auldhouse and Langside Wards regarding shared concerns. She has received a positive response re more investment for Holmlea Park from Cllr. Bruce and the suggestion of a campaign group re accessibility for all users. Mhairi will follow this up. The next Linn Area Partnership meeting will be 23rd November. If Mhairi is unable to attend, Lynn will attend in her place. 

  • Christmas Tree: No date as yet.

11. AOCB

Storage of Community Council event photos: Agreed that Google Driver could be used

C&DCC Suggestion box: The Community Council has acted on a number of suggestions. The box will soon be moved to a more prominent position. There is now a blog post created on the C&DCC website.

Strapline/ Motto for the Area: Suggestion is to think over any ideas and discuss at January meeting. 

Traffic lights at Delvin Rd/ Clarkston Rd junction: There continues to be significant issues regarding the numbers of cars jumping the lights at this junction. The pedestrian crossing light is now working, however frequently three or four cars are seen ignoring the pedestrian lights at the junction. The installation of cameras have been raised at previous meetings. 

Action: Cllr Vallis will contact the Area Police Sergeant and discuss with Cllr. Carson.

Action: Carolyn to write to the police requesting an update. 

Replacement planters for Merrylee P.S.: There are wooden planters in the Merrylee area in good condition but no longer used, the school is asking if these could be moved to the school for use. It was agreed that these planters could be given to the school & that the Community Council will consider providing new planters if residents wish.

Action: Cllr Curran will contact relevant services.

Street Lighting – Kevin McGarrigle: A concern was raised re the brightness of new street lighting as the glare can cause issues for the visually impaired and is detrimental to wildlife. It may be possible to reduce the beam to a lower level for areas that require it.  

Action – Kevin: To be contacted for further information if lighting causes concern. 

Graffiti update – Lynn Thomson: The Council have removed numerous tags around the area & uplifted fly tipping in Newlands Rd.  Phone boxes at Garry St. and Newlands Rd. have been cleaned by B.T. The Langside Ward corner of Newlands Rd & Clarkston Rd is in a very poor state.

Action- Lynn: Email Langside Ward Councillors. 

Newlands Rd, Clarkston Rd, Delvin Rd. and Rhannan Rd Junction: This area is unsightly and pedestrian unfriendly.  Suggestions were invited as to how this area could be improved. The Liveable Neighbourhoods aims are to provide safer roads, pavements & access to services to encourage safer access to active travel and this area will form part of the Clarkston Rd. Corridor.

Actions: Councillors will investigate what the timescale is for the Clarkston Rd Corridor.    C&DCC to explore needs and ideas for the improvement of this area as a priority. 

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 10th January. No meeting in December.

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.