We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 12/06/24

Cathcart and District Community Council

Meeting of Wednesday 12 June 2024

Cathcart Baptist Church and Community Hub, 96 Merrylee Road, Glasgow, G43 2RA and remotely on ZOOM

  1. Welcome and Apologies:

Carolyn welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions and apologies were noted.


Community Councillors

Carolyn Lochhead, Irene McCann, Steven McCann, Kim Van Deere, Mhairi Taylor, Tommy Petillo, Kevin McGarrigle, Lynn Thomson, Elizabeth Hamilton, Andrew Dewar, Kate Lonergan, 

GCC –Cllr Vallis, 

Other – Brenda Lavelle,  Kate Lonergan, Ross Taylor, Yla Barrie, M. McMillan, Lorraine H(?), Margaret Crawford and Audrey Cameron (minute).

Apologies:  Louisa Maddison (Vice Chair), and  Cllr Massie.

  1. Previous Minute 

Actions from previous minute:

Short-term lets : Carolyn has contacted other Community Councils and is awaiting feedback.

The minute was approved by Lynn Thomson and Seconded by Kate Lonergan.

All other matters are on the agenda.

  1. Chairs Report Chair’s Report June 24 – Google Docs

This report provides an update on progress on those priority areas which have developed since the meeting in May 2024, and on other relevant areas. 

Priority 8 – Enforce school car-free zone

At the last meeting we agreed to run a campaign specifically aimed at informing new P1 parents about the restrictions, when the schools return in August. We agreed a budget of £100 for this. We have contacted schools about this and hope to move forward with this if the schools are in agreement. 

Priority 18 – Welcome to Cathcart Sign

We have received permission from Scotrail to site a mural at the train station, and our funding application has been accepted. We are awaiting formal notification from Scotrail and then work can get underway. 

Other – Merrylee Primary Pitch

On 6 March we wrote jointly with Merrylee Primary PC to Glasgow City Council’s Director of Education, urgently requesting action to replace the pitch and flagging up the Infrastructure Fund as a potential route. On 14 May, a meeting did take place at the pitch, with Community Council members and Glasgow City Council representatives. Since then the Parent Council has discussed the matter and also arranged a further meeting on 3 June involving elected members, school staff and parents. The next step is to write jointly with the Parent Council to the Council, asking for the pitch to be added to the list of works as a priority for a full resurfacing.

Other – Election to Community Council

We received two valid nominations for our recent election, from Yla Barrie and Ross Taylor. 

Decision: Community Council decided to:

  • a) Approve Yla Barrie’s election to Cathcart and District Community Council
  • b) Expand our constituted membership to 15
  • c) Approve Ross Taylor’s election to the Community Council
  1. Future of Couper Institute and Library

The future of the library is secure however the Institute requires a lot of investment – £6m approximately. Suggestions re accessing the Built Heritage Fund and participating in Door Open Day to rejuvenate community interest. 

Action: Contact to be made with Pearce Institute, Govanhill Baths and Langside Halls and invite to a future meeting.

  1. Cathcart District Festival

Organising committee has been set up to run the festival from 3 – 25 August

Community Council insurance won’t cover a festival, only single events. Cllr Vallis agreed to investigate this. Any need to purchase other insurance will be brought back to the Community Council for agreement.

Sponsorship – Cala Homes have been askedif it would sponsor the festival and other suggestions were made on local businesses to approach.

Budget – the original budget for the festival was £500 and this is now nearly spent. A further £250 was agreed for publicity and insurance.

Agreed to change the name of the festival; to Cathcart District Festival and to write to neighbouring Community Councils about the festival.  

  1. Library Micro-talks 

The next talks are taking place on 24 August and speakers are being lined up with 2 coming from West Kilbride.

Future dates –15 November.

  1. Police Report

No police were in attendance. 

More vandalism is happening at Merrylee PS. Permanent cameras may be accessed through the Infrastructure Fund.  

Action: Carolyn will write to request future attendance and flag up vandalism issues at Merrylee PS.

  1. Area Partnership

No meetings have taken place. 

Cala Homes have pledged to support the area. Workers on site do a litter pick twice a year.  

£1m in Infrastructure funding awaiting spend.

  1. Pavement Parking 

Restrictions to pavement parking can be applied for particular streets. 

Agreed to put out information on social media about the legislation coming in and what it means.

  1. Licensing Report  

Residents in Merrylee with HMP concerns missed the 6 June date for submitting objections. It appears letters of notification are going to wrong addresses and being missed.

  1. Treasurers Report

Last Account balance £2681.96

Current balance £2631.96


Church hall let for February meeting –  £50.00  


Cala Homes donation – £300.00 (possibly paid in error, awaiting confirmation)

  1. Cllr Updates

Cllr Vallis – will look into Built Heritage Fund for Couper and insurance for the Festival. Linn Park walkway is in progress.

Traffic lights – no red light cameras in scope.

20 flashing lights at schools have been broken for years. There is a problem sourcing light bulbs.

Cllr Ferguson – CDCC Report Sean Ferguson June 24.docx – Google Docs

  1. AOCB

     Library suggestion box – nothing received. But may need a bigger sign.

Graffiti removal – Council will only remove on Council property. 

There will be a clear-up at Snuffmill Bridge on 15 June.

Grass has been cut in Holmlea Park 

6 planters are now at Merrylee PS – Let’s Grow Together Fund to be sourced for others and sign to say they were donated by Community Council.

SPT have changed the zones for travel cards resulting in increase in cost. Request for people to get in touch with their MSP to complain.

Castlemilk Pool – a meeting is taking place to discuss shift patterns including with Trade Unions. Cllr Vallis will advise how the meeting goes.  

Hustings for General Election – Andrew is keen to support a hustings taking place and requested help with Social Media.  

  1. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 11 September at 7:00pm. 

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.