We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 14/02/24

Cathcart and District Community Council

Meeting of Wednesday 14 February 2024

Cathcart Baptist Church and Community Hub, 96 Merrylee Road, Glasgow, G43 2RA and remotely on ZOOM

  1. Welcome and Apologies:


Community Councillors

Carolyn Lochhead (Chair), Kim Van Deere, Louisa Maddison (Vice Chair), Irene McCann, Steven McCann,  Kate Lonergan, Mhairi Taylor (Area Partnership Rep), Yla Barrie, Tommy Petillo, Kevin McGarrigle

GCC – Cllr Stehen Curran, Cllr Sean Ferguson

Other – Gillian McGuigan, Dorothy McGuigan, Margaret Crawford M. McMillan and Audrey Cameron (minute).

Apologies: Baillie McCabe, Beth Hamiliton and Cllr Vallis

  • Actions from previous minute:

Council Budget Setting – no invitations were received from the Council re consultation on the budget exercise so no further action as the Council has now set its budget.

Minutes: Approved: proposed by Mhairi Taylor, seconded by Kim Van Deere

All other matters are on the agenda.

  • Chairs Report (insert link)
  • Reopen Linn Park – 50% of funding received through Area Partnership funding. Remainder being sought by Friends of Linn Park through Parks for All. Friends of Linn Park has submitted a  funding application – decision is imminent though no timescales have been set.
  • Accessibility of Cathcart Train Station – a response has been received from the Director of Transport re the station upgrade. There is a national fund of £30m via Access for All and Cathcart TS is being considered along with others. Criteria for the fund centres around the station being an Industry Priority. As this is a UK fund it was agreed that contact should be made with the local MP

Agreed that the positioning of the planned mural at the train station will need consideration if any work to the station is to take place.

ACTION: Carolyn to contact Stewart MacDonald MP

  1. Coupar Library – funding for the library is in place up until end of March. Much concern as to its future particularly with the Council Budget decisions. Agreed that Carolyn would write to Glasgow Life to raise the CC’s concerns about both the Library and Institute, emphasising the recent initiatives that have been taking place.

ACTION – Carolyn to write to Glasgow Life

  1. Castlemilk Pool – carried forward to next meeting as Cllr Vallis was not in attendance.
  • Delvin and Clarkston Road Junction – Billie McCabe reported that the No Entry sign will be replaced on the buttress wall beyond the Margaretta Buildings.

The police will need to provide an update re the traffic light sequence.

  • Permission has been given to rename the planters. £200 carried over from previous Community Council and this will be used to purchase perennial plants. Planters will be moved to Merrylee which Jim Kane has agreed to do.

ACTION: Isla and Kim will purchase plants

  • Merrylee Playpark – no decision has been taken on the Infrastructure funding.

Merrylee School pitch needs to be added to the Area Partnership minute.

Cost to replace the surface estimated at £217k. There is no funding available from the SFA until March  / April next year.

The pitch is dangerous and needs urgent attention. As this is a council facility it was agreed to speak with the Parent Council re a joint letter with CDCC to go the Director of Education.

A site visit with Cllr Sean Curran was also suggested.

UK Sports Strategy – £3m available for 4 pitches in Glasgow South. This will need to be picked up with the Council. Agreed to continue to pursue funding.   

Also brought to the attention of the CC was the natural roof in an external building of the school as a health and Safety issue.

ACTION: Speak with the Parent Council re a joint letter with CDCC to go the Director of Education 

  • Window Wanderland – 16-18 February.

Four workshops have taken place in the Coupar Library. Noted that 99 windows have  registered to date.  Photo will be uploaded onto the facebook page . Kevin has agreed to act as official photographer. Many thanks extended  to Sally, Lyn and Pauline and to all others involved.

  • Library Micro-talks

The first of the talks on 27 January was a great success with over 80 people attending.

The next talks are planned for 20 April. Appeal for people to consider if they could provide a talk. The talks should be used to promote the CC.

  • Police Report

No police in attendance . No matters raised from the meeting.

  • Mural at Cathcart Station – Welcome to Cathcart

Permission has been granted in principle by the train station which is providing funding of £1500.

Five artists have been identified and a sub-group will form to shortlist.

Suggestion to involve local schoolchildren in the project – particularly older teenagers.

ACTION: Sub-group to form — Carolyn, Steven, Mhairi and one other.

  • Area Planning Partnerships

The next meeting is on 22 February. Question to be asked about the exterior of the Coupar Institute being missing from the last minute.

Cllr Curran reported that £4000 of the £65000 was still unspent from the Newlands and Aulburn Area Partnership funding.  Funding available up to £500 – needs to be spent before the end of March.

  • Planning Report

     White Elephant application was refused but an appeal is now in process.

An application for a new convenience store with parking submitted – comments to be made by 16 February.

     Carwash garage in Muirend Avenue – pending.

Weir Pumps – pending. The Planning committee is meeting on 5 March and community representatives have been invited to speak. 

  1. Licensing

     Nothing to Report

  1. Treasurers Report

            Last Account balance     £3283.40

            Current balance            £3058.52


     Church hall let £35.00 for January meeting.

     Window Wanderland workshop supplies £149.88

     Micro-talks speaker gifts – £40.00 to K.Boyle

     Lynn advised that a donation of £300 is expected from CALA Homes.

  1. Councillors Updates

Cllr Curran provided information on work to repair potholes and storm damage, particularly trees and any issue should be emailed to the Council’s Tree Team.

     Thanks were noted on the deep clean in Merrylee.

  1. AOCB

      Library suggestion box – thanks for coffee and a £2 donation received.

     There needs to be some clarity to be provided to the library about what the box is for.

     ACTION:– Tommy and Kate will speak with Library staff.

Noise complaints have been made about the school pitch out of hours – issue for bookings not the school.

Flashing 20 school signs are not working in Newlands Rd and Merrylee Road

ACTION: Stephen will email Council.

  1. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 13 March at 7:00pm

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.