We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 10/01/24

Cathcart and District Community Council

Meeting of Wednesday 10 January 2024

Cathcart Baptist Church and Community Hub, 96 Merrylee Road, Glasgow, G43 2RA and remotely on ZOOM

  1. Welcome and Apologies:


Community Councillors

Carolyn Lochhead (Chair), Kenny Boyle, Louisa Maddison (Vice Chair), Tommy Petillo, Kate Lonergan, Steven McCann, Lynn Thomson, Beth Hamilton, Kim Van Deere, Mhairi Taylor (Area Partnership Rep), Andrew Dewar


Cllr Catherine Vallis, Cllr Stephen Curran


Audrey Cameron (minutes), Pauline Kelly, M McMillan, Margaret Crawford, Ross Taylor,

Apologies: Irene McCann, Cllr Sean Ferguson

  1. Actions from previous minute:

Planters: Confirmed that GCC are no longer responsible for the planters.  Question whether this is something the CC can take over.  ACTION: Cllr Vallis will check this out. Carried over to next meeting.

Clarkston Road Corridor: Tranche 1 – Main Roads, Tranche 2 – Cycling Routes. Carried over. 

Graffiti Update: All but one removed on the Old Castle Road junction. Thanks, given for this. 

Minutes: Approved: proposed by Mhairi Taylor, seconded by Andrew Dewar

All other matters are in the agenda.

  1. Chairs Report 

Reopen Linn Park – 50% of funding received through Area Partnership funding. Remainder being sought by Friends of Linn Park through Paths for All.

Restore Cathcart Loop to 4 trains and hour – this is now been achieved. Cllr Curran advised that there will be pressure on this line once the rails works begin on the East Kilbride and Muirend lines.

Accessibility of Cathcart Train Station – ACTION: Carolyn to write to Director of Transport for update on Access for All station upgrade decisions to ensure Cathcart is included.

Delvin and Clarkston Road Junction. Police have carried out observations. Need for better signage and slower traffic lights. ACTION: Steven will contact the police again. 

Thanks were made to Cllr Ferguson for pursuing the installation of signage at Langside Drive.

Cllr Curran asked if the CC had been consulted on the Council’s Budget setting exercise. No correspondence has been received. 

ACTION: Carolyn to check

Emails have been received about various pots of funding available for trees and woodland planting: see chair’s report for details..

Community Events

  • Window Wanderland – 16-18 February on theme of Love. £100 gratefully received from Cathcart and District Housing Association, awaiting a decision from Cala Homes on donation. Posters and leaflets designed by  Sally and Paul are now printed and leaflet drops are now taking place across homes and businesses. Workshops to support people to participate are taking place in the Couper Library first fortnight in February. Plea for people to register – 24 so far. Thanks to all involved.
  • Library Micro-talks – 27 January  at 2:00pm, 6 talks for 6 minutes. Plan that these will take place 4 times a year. All taking place in the Coupar Library children’s area. Thanks to Tommy for organising these. 

  4. Police Report – Officers from Pollok Police in attendance

Police will link in with GCC Road department to discuss red light camera for the Clarkston Rd and Delvin Rd junction.

Speeding on Clarkston Road – needs regular patrol and speed camera to impact on behaviour: police will raise. 

Parking at Merrylee Primary School – police aware, will continue to patrol when resources allow. Advice is to keep complaining by calling 101. 

5. Area Planning Partnership

Notes from Area Partnership Meeting 23 Nov 23 – Mhairi Taylor and Lynn Thomson

Points raised:

1. Minutes of the last meeting:

Item 8 b

Agreed that members of the Partnership would arrange a sub-group meeting to be held over MS Teams to discuss potential projects across the ward for  consideration under the fund, with the proposals to be discussed at the next  Partnership meeting for approval. 

ACTION: Check the timeframe for the sub-group meeting

This was referred for Baillie McCabe to respond (he was not present due to bereavement)

Item 4.

Infrastructure fund 

Cllr Vallis asked the Council rep (Karen Veneables) to cost the work that the Community Council has proposed on landscaping outside the Couper and both she and Cllr Carson supported it. It was also suggested that the neighbouring ward could contribute since is close to the [border] and Couper Institute is used by residents there too.

Item 5

Winter Maintenance Plan 

Health Centres are identified as priority 2 for gritting and clearing. As Health Centres are used more frequently by those with disabilities, the elderly and generally people in poor health question why this is not priority 1. Cllr Vallis will investigate this.

Item 10

Allocation of remaining funds (£4,700) to various community groups/schools in Castlemilk and Simshill. 

No applications submitted from Cathcart and District area.

Newlands and Aulburn meeting of 10 November 

Community Council would like to see funding made available to replace the pitch at Merrlylee Primary School which is used by Education – ACTION: need to find out what is the plan for this?

Merrylee play park area – ongoing vandalism is risking any further improvements 

6. Planning

Flats in Newlands – no decision noted. 

Tyre Place – no planning approval

Weirs’ – pending decision

7. Licensing  

Short -term let on Rannoch Street posted.

8. Treasurer’s Report 

Last account balance £2662.51

Current balance £3283.40


Church hall let £35.00 for November meeting.

Window Wanderland leaflet Printing £117

Funds Received

Glasgow City Council £672.89  (less than last year £712.57 due to insurance cost increasing)

CDHA £100 Window Wanderland donation

Request to email receipts to Lynn if you are due money.

Beth raised the subject of the rent for the church and should this be reviewed due to increase in energy costs.

9. Councillors Update

One written report was received, from Cllr Ferguson: it is available here

Cllr Curran – Bin uplifts are a big problem in Merrylee with some waiting 6 weeks for uplift. Mainly due to staff shortages and equipment breakdown. Backlog should be completed by 18 January. Public bins haven’t been emptied in Clarkston Road. Big blue recycling bins have been removed with no reason given – Couper / Sainsburys and at Bridge.

10. AOCB

Library Suggestion Box

  • Litter picking
  • Xmas tree – thanks
  • Holmhead St sign in gutter 

Centenary celebrations for Couper. Kenny spoke to Jacqui Toner who will be in touch with the CC.

Mural at Cathcart Station – meeting with Scotrail who have sent funding application – for up to £5k. Need an artist. Potential proposal to February meeting 

11. Date of next meeting – 14 February 7-9pm

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.