We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 8/2/2023

Wider community feedback on priorities, reopen the Snuff Mill entrance at Linn Park, potholes and more.





Attendees in person: Community councillors: Carolyn Lochhead (chair), Louisa Maddison (vice chair), Mhairi Taylor (area partnership rep), Irene McCann, Steven McCann, Kenny Boyle, Lynn Thomson (treasurer), Kim Van Deere (secretary), Rose McQuarrie, Andrew Dewar, Kate Lonergan

M McMillan, Annamarie Sands, WYH Deghan, Kevin McGarrigle, Cllr Catherine Vallis, Cllr John Carson,, Eileen Walker, Tommy Petillo,

Attendees Remotely: Yla Barrie, Cllr Paul McCabe, Cllr Stephen McCurran, Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Leodhas Massie

1          Welcome and Introductions – Carolyn Lochhead

2          Apologies: None received    Approval of the Minutes proposed by Mhairi Taylor and seconded by Steven McCann

3          Updates since the last meeting – See attached Chair’s report. a summary was given including Cllr Vallis’s conversation with FirstBus on bus frequency. The stated position of the provider was that fewer services would run, but with greater reliability. Consensus of the assembled was that fewer services ran and with lesser reliability, and that a more joined up approach was required to ensure the continuity of transportation to the C&DCC area.

Regarding increasing the profile of the C&DCC, there was a discussion on having a greater presence on Cathcart Community FB page

ACTION All, call to arms for additional resource from the community council to update social media, rather than have this task falling only the current few contributors. Many concurred with MT that a stronger brand/visual presence could increase visibility and profile of the C&DCC.

Regarding road maintenance/resurfacing

ACTION All, continue to report shortcomings using the GCC app, the GCC website, or using the RALF phone number. 

ACTION Cllr John Carson to visit the area in person to view road conditions.

It was noted that the White Cart walkway was on the Area Partnership meeting agenda for 9th February. Multiple parties including the C&DCC were agreed to have a common interest in the Linn Park Snuffmill Gate Closure issue.

ACTION C&DCC to contribute to a joint letter to GCC and the local press, and to work in liaison with Friends of Linn Park (FoLP) on funding options to enable the reopening of this key access point.

The impact on local businesses on Old Castle Road by drop off in footfall was acknowledged. The impact of the closure on disabled access was also noted and the strength of community feeling noted. MT reiterated that reopening the gates was a top priority from the recent consultation exercise and should be represented as such. It was agreed that alternative access point is not a viable alternative, and that the popularity of the amenity and of routes such as the Magnificent 11 in Glasgow’s southside meant that urban walkers were still frequently accessing the park by climbing through the fencing, despite the official closure.

ACTION SMcC to raise a FOI request for the cost of the temporary fencing measures.

ACTION C&DCC to work with other CCs and FoLP, initially writing an open letter to GCC and press as agreed above.

ACTION C&DCC to investigate potential funding sources such as those available for green transport funding, supporting the FoLP in any applications for same. Fuller report required regarding Area Partnership funding.

ACTION Cllr Ferguson to feedback on funding pots which may be available for a new pitch at Merrylee Primary, Parent Council to lead.

Potential to participate in Keep Scotland Beautiful 17 March – 17 April. Neigbourhood Improvement Hubs were noted to exist locally, and Cllr Ferguson noted he could assist with access to litter pickers, refuse bags, organisation of additional collections etc.

It was noted that the C&DCC website holding page is now up following an engagement session attended by CL, KVD, AD and TP. LM has contacted a local designer regarding promotional material for the C&DCC.

4          Wider community feedback on priorities – Mhairi Taylor

MT’s provided feedback on the wider community’s priorities identified through various online surveys, with 61 responses provided. MT provided a full mapping document (see attached) showing the original feedback with attendees of the planning meeting with the wider community review. Items discussed included weekend opening of Castlemilk Pool.

ACTION Cllr Vallis to revisit with GCC following the upcoming budget.

On priorities, ScotRail had responded saying there was as yet insufficient demand for reinstating four trains per hour on the Cathcart circle, with the review of timetables next due in May. MT suggested communicating with other CCs to set up a petition.

ACTION LT  to speak to contact regarding setting  up an online petition using Change.org or similar.

ACTION SMcC FOI request re: passenger levels on Cathcart Circle pre-pandemic.

ACTION All, still seeking a representative to manage a physical petition, such as placing this document in the Couper Library.

Cllr Curran noted the potential to comment on current consultation ‘Mansewood to Shawlands’ prioritising public transport, which covers a fairly large area, pertinent to the C&DCC inside boundaries.

MT suggested that Cala Homes should be encouraged to comment on availability of public transport in their planning proposal for the Celeros site development.

ACTION LM to share this request with Cala Homes.

ACTION C&DCC Formally share information regarding our activities in relation to the Cathcart Circle train timetable with Simshill and Old Cathcart Community Council.

It was noted that there was potential to submit a joint funding application with Govanhill Housing Association for the upgrading of Merrylee Park.

ACTION Jim Kane from GCC to find out the status of Merrylee Park on the priority list. It was noted that further Parks and Open Space funding would become available in the new financial year.

ACTION C&DCC to continue to communicate with other CCs on joint funding applications.

Re: Planters, KVD had undertaken an audit of assets and was inviting interested local residents to come forward via social media to undertaken ongoing maintenance including watering and weeding of same. TP agreed to take over a planter.

ACTION KVD to communicate outcome of planter requirements to Jim Kane.

IMcC was awaiting a response from Berridale Allotment Association regarding the planters at Cathcart Train Station (also looking for maintainers for Muirend Train Station planters).

Re: traffic in the traffic-free zone at Merrylee Primary School, Jim Kane had undertaken to get the signage reflected to show the correct times, and this information had been confirmed to him.

Re: a ‘welcome to the area’ sign, such as a mural, Creative Scotland had been identified as a potential funder of special projects, though a 31st March deadline was noted to be approaching.

Re: StreetPlay, CL noted that she had enquired about summer dates, with nothing in place yet, and appealed to elected members to apply pressure on this.

ACTION: Councillors to urge Council to set Street Play dates and budget.

It was noted that the Couper Library had reopened after the shortest and most recent closure.

5          Police report – no attendance

6          Planning report – Louisa Maddison

LM noted in her report that further to the Celeros Cala housing development at Newlands Road there has been no further update from the presentation to C&DCC from January. The planning application is still showing as a notification with no further details online at the time of writing. The website notes as previously advised Cala are aiming for a planning application to be lodged in Spring.

The White Elephant site at 134 Merrylee Road is still showing as pending and under consideration. 

152 Newlands Road at junction with Tankerland Road (flats with car parking and landscaping, demolition of existing building) has been approved.


Laggan Road traffic regulation order

The original application of a few months ago for a road closure for vehicles at Laggan Road has now been amended so the proposed closure is at the junction with Langside Drive (where the empty Beeches house is), rather than at Coylton Road. The Council have reissued the Proposals, and are looking for any response by 24 February – map and info at www.glasgow.gov.uk/proposedtro

Community Council Development Session on Glasgow Housing Strategy to be held Saturday 4th March 2023 at Burgh Court Hall, Draft strategy and consultation on the website  and here https://www.glasgowconsult.co.uk/KMS/dmart.aspx?strTab=PublicDMartCurrent&NoIP=1 

7          Licencing report – Carolyn Lochhead (5 mins)

CL noted in her report there were no current licencing issues. SMcC has taken on the role of Licencing Contact.

8          Area Partnerships – Mhairi Taylor

The Area Partnership Meeting will take place on 9th February. 

9          Treasurer’s report – Lynn Thomson (10 mins)

LT provided a report noting that a CDCC bank account has been established and the C&DCC will pay the outstanding invoices.  

10 Councillors’ Updates were provided with the Agenda

The majority of points included in Councillors’ Updates were deemed to have been covered in the meeting with the exception of the following:

Cllr McCabe’s intention to join the Fire & Rescue visit to the traffic-free area at Merrylee Primary School

ACTION C&DCC to advise dates of the visit.

11       AOCB

ACTION C&DCC undertook to support retaining a customer service point (to collect parcels) at the Muirend Royal Mail depot.

On dog fouling, it was noted that instances where dog waste is being left in public areas should be reported through the GCC website.

ACTION LM to find out more about campaigning to prevent dog fouling.

On overgrown highways/lanes (lane at Tankerland Road and street at Clarkston Avenue), ACTION Cllr John Carson to visit and advise.

On the lights at Cathcart Bridge, LT advised that she had made contact with Friends of Kelvingrove Park, and the recommendation that a quote from the contractor at Elder Park in Govan should be sought. Potential sources of funding were agreed to be the Area Partnership and Glasgow City Heritage Trust.

Date of the next meeting Wednesday 8th March 2023 7PM

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.