We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 10/04/24

Cathcart and District Community Council

Meeting of Wednesday 10 April 2024

Cathcart Baptist Church and Community Hub, 96 Merrylee Road, Glasgow, G43 2RA and remotely on ZOOM

  1. Welcome and Apologies:

Louisa Maddison welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions and apologies were noted.


Community Councillors

Louisa Maddison (Vice Chair), Kim Van Deere, Mhairi Taylor (Area Partnership Rep), Tommy Petillo, Lynn Thomson, Kevin McGarrigle, K, Boyle, Kate Lonergan, and Andrew Dewar

GCC – Cllr Stehen Curran, Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Vallis, Baillie McCabe and Cllr Carson. 

Other – M. McMillan, and Audrey Cameron (minute).

Apologies:  Carolyn Lochhead, Irene McCann, Steven McCann, Sally Packer and  Cllr Masssie.

  1. Previous Minute 

Correction – Andrew Dewar’s attendance at the meeting wasn’t noted.

Request to remove from  minute information about Castlemilk Pool potential opening hours.

The minute was approved by Mhairi Taylor and Seconded by Andrew 

  1. Chairs Report Chair’s Report April 24 – Google Docs

This report provides an update on progress on those priority areas which have developed since the meeting in March 2024, and on other relevant areas. Thanks to our Vice Chair Louisa Maddison for chairing the April meeting, as Carolyn is unable to attend. 

Priority 3 – Keep Couper Library Open

As reported at the last meeting, Alana Ward, Head of Libraries and Communities at Glasgow Life, has agreed to attend our May meeting to discuss this. We have asked if we can be given details of the funding situation in advance of this meeting but have received no response. 

Priority 5 – Community Events

At the last meeting, we agreed to hold a summer event this year, and expressed an interest in doing so across both Cathcart Baptist Church and the Couper Institute, with the aim of linking with the Institute and Library’s centenary. The Baptist Church has confirmed its availability on Saturday 24th August at a cost of £100, but I have not yet received a response to an inquiry to the Institute. The Glasgow Life website suggests the Institute is not available for hire on a Sunday.  

The event sub-planning group is meeting on Tuesday 9th April and a further update will be provided at the meeting. Last year’s event cost £486, which was offset by a £400 donation from Cala Homes. 


2 events to take place in August – need to ensure no clash with other local events. 

An initial budget of £500 was approved but can be revisited if needed.

Area Partnership funding may be available. 

Action Cllr Ferguson will look into this.

Priority 18 – Welcome to Cathcart Sign

As agreed at the last meeting, we issued a brief to create a mural at Cathcart Station and received seven responses. The sub-group of myself, Mhairi and Steven met to review these and have shortlisted three.

Agreed that the second submission discussed was preferred. The artists will be contacted and applications will be submitted to Scotrail for both funding and formal permission to create the mural. 

Other – Merrylee Primary Pitch

We have received an initial response to our letter of 6 March, sent jointly with Merrylee Primary PC to Glasgow City Council’s Director of Education, urgently requesting action to replace the pitch and flagging up the Infrastructure Fund as a potential route. The response, received on 26 March, advised that a meeting would be set up as soon as possible. Carolyn has chased up and reiterated that the matter is urgent as the pitch is unsafe. 

Cllr Ferguson stated that staffing appears to be an issue but     will chase up.

ACTION: Cllr Ferguson to progress for an urgent meeting.

Other – Election to Community Council

Following last month’s meeting, we now have a vacancy on the Community Council. Glasgow City Council advises that it would be best to fill the vacancy now, rather than waiting until our AGM. 

Agreed to proceed to hold an election to fill our vacancy

Other – Request from Police

Police Scotland have contacted us to ask that the following be read out at our next meeting: 

“A number of reports have been received by Police Scotland in regard to telephone calls from criminals impersonating police officers in order to obtain money from victims. The criminal impersonating the police informs the victim that they have been subject to a fraud, and thereafter the criminal will attempt to get money from the victim.

Police Scotland officers will never:

  1. Ask you to transfer money to another account
  2. Ask you to withdraw money and hand it to a person or post it by mail
  3. Exchange money into Euros or other foreign currency
  4. Ask for your PIN number
  5. Tell you that a new bank account has been set up for you to move money into

If you are unsure, hang up the phone and report it to Police Scotland via 101. If you have received the telephone call via your landline phone, use a different phone to contact 101.”

ACTION: the police notice will be put out on our social media

Upcoming Council and related events and funding opportunities

From time to time, Glasgow City Council advises us of meetings, consultations and funding opportunities. A selection of these is noted below for any interest and follow-up. 

Glasgow’s Community Learning and Development Strategic Plan for 2024-202714 AprilSurvey on plan for services including adult learning, youth work and English for speakers of other languages. 
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Consultation 13 MaySurvey on options to deliver future bus network
Community Council Development Session18 MayAll community councillors welcome to attend. Email steven.dowling@glasgow.gov.uk for more information. 
  1. Library Micro-talks 

Taking place on 20 April. 6 speakers are now confirmed. The event will be held in a bigger room in the library due to demand. It is hoped the August event will take place in the Institute and tie in with the Summer events.

Future dates – 24 August and 15 November.

  1. Pavement Parking 

Restrictions to pavement parking can be applied for particular streets. 

Agreed to put out information on social media about the legislation coming in and what it means.

7 Education Budget

Conformed that £8m is the overall savings to be made across the Council. Extra funding is being made from the SG and this should help with Education savings

8. Police Report 

No police in attendance . No matters raised from the meeting.

9. Area Planning Partnerships

The next meeting is on 25 April. Mhairi won’t be able to attend . Funding will be discussed and how it will be allocated. Request for another CC to attend.

Action: Call out for another Community Councillor to attend.

10. Planning Report – Louisa

White Elephant – permission granted for conversion to a shop.

Noted that a Council budget decision was to charge non-domestic rates to owners of vacant premises. 

11.  Licensing

Short-term let – noted that information can’t be shared on-line. 

Discussion as to neighbour notification for such applications  – noted that adjacent neighbours would be notified and the process for objection. 

Advice provided that when objectin* to planning applications it is better to send in individual objections rather than one petition. 

ACTION: Louisa will look into short-term let

12. Treasurers Report

Last Account balance £3177.84

Current balance £3367.84


Church hall let £50.00 for March 

                     Secretarial fees – £60 (£30 awaiting approval)


Cala Homes donation – £300.00 (possibly paid in     error, awaiting confirmation)

13. Cllr Updates

Cllr Vallis – Linn Park walkway funding for Phase 1 in place.

Fly tipping at White Art is being looked into. 

Cllr Curran – emphasised the importance of attendance at the Area Partnership meeting on April 25.

Baillie McCabe – concurred with Cllr Curran re attendance at Area Partnership meeting.

Cllrs Ferguson – Merrylee Playpark fire damage will be attended to.

                          Newlands Park delays to construction. He will chase up. Also chasing up repairs to problematic pot holes.

Cllr Carson – deep clean at Braehead has taken place.

14. AOCB

Fraudulent QR Codes at GCC parking. Advice to only ever use Ringo App or cash.

Relocation of the planters. Jim Kane from GCC for removal. No further contact  from  Merrylee PS. 

Anti-social behaviour at Newlands Rd residential unit is being addressed.

General discussion about anti-social behaviour. Reminder to call 101 if anyone is concerned. Future discussion to take place. 

Library suggestion box – nothing received.

15. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 8 May at 7:00pm.

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.