We meet every second Wednesday of the month 7-9pm in Cathcart Baptist Church

Minutes 11/1/2023

Cala Homes planning applications, Couper Library update, Planters and more…





Attendees in person: Community CouncillorsCarolyn Lochhead (Chair), Louisa Maddison (Vice-chair and Planning rep), Mhairi Taylor (Area Partnerships Rep), Irene McCann, Steven McCann, Kenny Boyle, Lynn Thomson (Treasurer), Kim Van Deere (Secretary).

Other attendees: Isobel Baird, William Baird, George Heenan, M McMillan, L Thomson, Jim Kane, Colin Howden, Craig Tait, Maura McCormack, Moray Stewart, Fiona Robertson, Sue Stewart, James Kane (GCC Neighbourhood Sustainability Officer), Lisa Thomson ((GCC Neighbourhood Sustainability Officer))

Councillors: Cllr Catherine Vallis, Cllr Stephen Curran, Cllr Paul McCabe (remotely)

Attendees Remotely: Yla Barrie

1          Welcome and Introductions – Carolyn Lochhead

2          Apologies: Cllr Sean Ferguson, Cllr Susan Aitken, Cllr Stephen Docherty, Cllr Massie, Rose McQuarrie, Kate Lonergan, Jen Bell, Andrew Dewar        

Approval of the Minutes proposed by Irene McCann and seconded by Lynn Thomson

The agenda was reordered to facilitate the early departure of the invitees from Cala Homes.

6          Planning report – Louisa Maddison

  • Including Development on Celeros’s Cathcart site

LM noted in her report there were no current planning applications and introduced Moray Stewart (MS) from Cala Homes.  MS gave a brief introduction to the proposed development of 4-5 residential blocks containing c290, 1-3 bedroom, all electric domestic residences to be built on the site of factory buildings on Inverlair Avenue. Cala Homes sign up to the Community Pledge, which includes its promotion and use of products from local businesses, as well as potential funding for local projects.  Craig Tait of Iceni Projects (Architects of the Cala Homes project gave further information about the status of the project in the context of public planning policy, community perceptions and the wider community consultation process. It was noted that current concepts included both shared and private green space, including a cycle through the development to provide a connection to the amenities of Battlefield, Shawlands and beyond.  A further, more detailed design brief was noted to follow 23.02.23.

Fiona Robertson of Streets UK noted that she is interested in feedback on whether the previous consultations were deemed accessible by the community.  There was a brief discussion about the existence of car club parking and EV car charging points within this development, as in the rest of the Southside.

Link to Cala presentation


3          Updates since last meeting – Carolyn Lochhead

CL’s report in full is attached to the Minutes, but key points in summary follow. 

ACTION Jim Kane noted that he would speak to the Car Free Area Manager re: correcting the signage in the relevant area.  Cllr Stephen Curran noted he would also address to have this signage corrected in order that any police-issued fines remain enforceable.

ACTION Cllr McCabe asked CL to contact her to have David Murdoch of the Fire and Rescue service attend to review emergency access at the school (and assess any issues caused to parked cars).

ACTION following CL’s questioning of McGill’s regarding bus service frequency, Cllr Vallis asked for any further feedback on bus transport issues in the area, as it was noted that GCC has a long term objective of making to make buses more accessible/affordable. 

The Couper Library is still shut due to flooding, reopening date to be followed up by CC and GCC councillors (not confirmed). The Institute part of the building is in use. 

The CDCC social media presence is now active, with posters available to all to be collected for posting up for those who do not access social media.  Tommy Petillo has undertaken to redo the website, with a survey of users’ views online at https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdfoTtTz16Tq9…/viewform.  A website development session is to follow remotely on 02.02.23. The former community council website has now been taken down.

ACTION All attendees are requested to sign in at each meeting and leave an email address for the mailing list.         

4          Agreeing priorities – Mhairi Taylor

MT’s in-depth analysis of the priorities identified at the previous meeting is attached to the Minutes, actions and champitions for key actions identified as follow:

ACTIONS: Kim Van Deere to establish the location of neighbourhood planters and rate state of upkeep/appropriateness of placement 1-5 (photographic evidence of same)

Lynn Thomson – lamps on the bridge, CCDC contact Niall Murphy of Glasgow Heritage Trust in addition to Paul Sweeny MSP,

Mhairi Taylor – Merrylee Park play equipment, Jim Kane noted that Parks Development within GCC will replace very poor areas first, and would assist in establishing the status of Merrylee placement on the list.  Jim Kane to advise. 

Carolyn Lochhead – large community event to bring together the community in a shared public space (possibly the Couper Institute).

Carolyn Lochhead – contact Scotrail regarding restoration of the Cathcart circle to four trains per hour

5          Police report – no attendance

7          Licencing report – Carolyn Lochhead (5 mins)

CL noted in her report there were no current licencing issues

ACTION all attendees were invited to consider taking the lead on this area of CDCC operations.

8          Area Partnerships – Mhairi Taylor

MT provided a report which is attached to the Minutes following her attendance of a recent Area Partnership meeting.  

9          Treasurer’s report – Lynn Thomson (10 mins)

LT provided a report noting that a CDCC bank account has been set up with the Bank of Scotland Scotland, with three signatories now in place, and debit cards to be applied for, and internet account opening in progress. The current balance of the CDCC account was recorded at £4,047.44.  

10         Councillors’ Updates were provided with the Agenda

11         AOCB

MT noted that there is a need for new volunteers to take over the maintenance of the planters at Cathcart and Muirend Station: Scotrail has previously funded the stocking to the tune of £600. ACTION MT to communicate with Scotrail on the future of the maintenance function, with the potential to involve an allotment association.        

Date of the next meeting Wednesday 8th February 2023 7PM-9PM, Cathcart Baptist Church or online via Zoom.


Email: cathcartdcc@gmail.com

Twitter: @Cathcart_DCC

Facebook: Cathcart Community Council

Instagram: @cathcartdcc

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To the amazing photographers who kindly gave us their snaps.